how to make your vagina smell and taste better

pickupkid's Avatar
cumalot's Avatar
I'd love me some tasty vagina juice right now....gotta love that DATY...mmmm
whitechocolate's Avatar
Some women have an increased amount of pheromones in their vaginal juices which makes the juices rather intoxicating. Regular exercise and exercise prior to sex will increase pheromones in the vaginal juices.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Ummm Who dosent love some sweet smelling pussy.................IJS
Good advice/article. Hope everyone reads this.
cumalot's Avatar
If we were voting for the sweetest smelling and the sweetest tasting pussy, Ms Athena you would get my vote....ijs
thats stocking the fridge with only cranberry and pineapple juice.
burkalini's Avatar
Wash it inside and out and it will smell and taste fine. If it doesn't after that see a doctor. If it smells or taste like tuna then I will stick with just the blowjob...........maybe
I agree Burkalini. Wash it good, I shower before and after a client! Wash it, and there is nothing sweeter than a clean pussy!
Amen to that Amy. IMHO there's nothing WORSE than a pussy that smells so bad a guy's eyes start to water.
Watering eyes lol. That sounds bad lol. Is it because he threw $$$ on that, or is it the smell he can't stand? I think he is crying cause he threw the $$$ on that lmao. I can't blame him! BTW guys, mine is always clean, and douched, and smelling sweet!
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I want to punch the writer of this article for a few reasons.

A) Props for at least mentioning an additive free soap (i.e. Summer's Eve) but the TRUE way to make your vagina smell better is to only wash the outside with warm water (now your ass, that you wash with soap - don't mistake me on this one!). It has a pH balance, and when you use harsh soaps or shampoos you throw off that balance and create odour. Not only that but it can lead to rampant yeast infections and BV which leads me to

B) the mention of flavoured lubes/oils. Most women get that stuff around their vagina and end up with itching/burning/yeast infections/bv/utis if they aren't careful/clean about it.

C) You don't need juice or voodoo for your vagina to taste and smell nice. Knowing about your pH balance and basic vaginal health will help you keep it in check. It's amusingly almost identical to the care of the intact penis, so if you should ever have a son remember that

Source: Working at Planned Parenthood, uni health class, having girlfriends, having a vagina.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Amen, soap and water is the best cleanser out there. Clean, fresh and natural.........
I want to punch the writer of this article for a few reasons.

A) Props for at least mentioning an additive free soap (i.e. Summer's Eve) but the TRUE way to make your vagina smell better is to only wash the outside with warm water (now your ass, that you wash with soap - don't mistake me on this one!). It has a pH balance, and when you use harsh soaps or shampoos you throw off that balance and create odour. Not only that but it can lead to rampant yeast infections and BV which leads me to

B) the mention of flavoured lubes/oils. Most women get that stuff around their vagina and end up with itching/burning/yeast infections/bv/utis if they aren't careful/clean about it.

C) You don't need juice or voodoo for your vagina to taste and smell nice. Knowing about your pH balance and basic vaginal health will help you keep it in check. It's amusingly almost identical to the care of the intact penis, so if you should ever have a son remember that

Source: Working at Planned Parenthood, uni health class, having girlfriends, having a vagina. Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
A) I must disagree with you here, your body, and by proxy your vagina does indeed have a ph balance that needs to be taken into account. That doesn't mean you only use warm water on the outside labia to clean with.. Your entire body maintains homeostasis, which is it's total balance. Unless you are incredibly sensitive, washing with regular soap (mind you most of us will splurge on the nice, hypoallergenic stuff) is completely safe. Odor is created by bacteria, bacteria that is only removed by cleansing. Yeast infections can come from over doing it, but unless you are drying your insides out with stringent cleaners, you should be just fine. Douching should only be used a max of once a week or after your period to remove left behind particles that your body couldn't flush out. Douches are quite harsh so I can see someone making themselves ill overusing them..
B) Again, most of the nicer play product like flavored lubes and such are hypoallergenic and safe to use in moderation. I'm not saying pour the stuff inside of yourself, but normal use won't induce any severe reactions in a normal healthy female or male. I use novelty stuff ALL the time and never have issues. I've come across a few products what did indeed irritate me, but thats just like anything from makeup to body lotions, some ingredients are going to affect you differently; just discontinue use if irritation occures and move on to a different product.
C) An uncut penis NEEDS to be pulled back to expose the head and washed with soap and water. I refused to cut my sons penis, and have investigated the matter quite a bit. Bacteria and urine get caught in the folds of skin and will fester without proper care. It's a big reason cutting came about, because of the health issues of not keeping the foreskin properly cleaned.

Source: I'm an RN and a mother of 2 boys.
bojulay's Avatar
It's been my experience that a pint of Bombay Gin will help any situation.

Try it for a hangover.