Lost review

I had just finished a lengthy review and was checking it out prior to submitting it, but accidently lost my internet connection. Can I find the review or do I have to compkletely re-do it?
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 05-14-2012, 03:46 PM
Unfortunately, you have to completely redo it.

Torito's Avatar
I have been down that road too many times. Now I write the review in Word.

I include the info for the upper format and the ROS.

Open New Review.

Copy and paste entire document into ROS.

Individually cut and paste each of the non-ROS bits of info to correct space.

Saves me lots of lost time and extreme frustration.

Panama Grey's Avatar
And if you don't feel comfortable using word on your local PC - you can write it within your notepad here on the site and save it as you go along. Then cut/paste it to a review page. Just remember - after you're done - go find an innocent sentence or something and "cut" again, so that your "paste buffer" on your PC isn't full of details.