""I have said repeatedly that I intend to close Guantanamo, and I will follow through on that"....

Obama on CBS 60 Minutes
November 16, 2008
Kinda a moot question,where is he to put them?Wanted to try them in the States,that was shot down.Wanted to rehab a prison and keep them that was shot down.He would have to turn them loose if he shut it down.Where do you want to keep them?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ekim, he could have said that. Instead, he promised to close it. He lied. Deal with it.
COG: the state of their denial is insane !

Even when confronted with the lie; they just walk right by the fact, as if they are are Ozombafied.

rodog44's Avatar
Ekim, he could have said that. Instead, he promised to close it. He lied. Deal with it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He said he would close it prior to finding out there was only one way to close it,and that was to release all the prisoners. If you are calling it a lie so be it.Would you rather he close it and release the prisoners???
  • Laz
  • 05-14-2012, 06:53 PM
I would call this an example of his stupidity in promising something he had no practicle way of implementing. I would not call it a lie since I am sure he fully intended to do it.
Look I am not the Obama fan some here think,but all candidates make promises the electorate wants to hear.Then when they get in office they see the problems and have to recant.Romney will make promises,ansd if elected will not follow through on them.
Look I am not the Obama fan some here think,... Originally Posted by ekim008
Then don't pick up the mantel

...but all candidates make promises the electorate wants to hear.Then when they get in office they see the problems and have to recant.Romney will make promises,ansd if elected will not follow through on them. Originally Posted by ekim008
The WTF argument. All politicians lie, therefore don't hold them accountable.

This was not an off-the-cuff "one of" promise. He rode this throughout the campaign.

They will be held accountable. Romney will be held accountable next.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He said he would close it prior to finding out there was only one way to close it,and that was to release all the prisoners. If you are calling it a lie so be it.Would you rather he close it and release the prisoners??? Originally Posted by ekim008
Ok. He didn't lie. He is just stupid. I can buy that.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Just another indicator of his complete narcissism and cluelessness.

I know it is hard for those that believed him and followed his pipe to folly to come to terms with the horrible mistake they made. eskimo, you will have an opportunity to redeem yourself this fall and cast your disgrace aside and be renewed as ong as you do not follow the false music of the piper.