I feel like I owe a bit of an explanation here.
I have been out of touch with pretty much everyone for the past couple of weeks and I have received some inquisitive voicemails, texts, emails and PMs.
Here's the deal. As many of you know, I have been the caregiver for my dad for the past 7 years. We had the recent lawsuit deal and right in the middle of that, my dad was admitted to the hospital. He was inpatient for about ten days and the last four of those saw him deteriorate very quickly.
He passed away last Thursday and we had his funeral this afternoon. I am okay with all this but will miss him terribly. He was absolutely the best man that ever inhabited this planet and it has been my extreme pleasure to have had the opportunity to care for him.
I will be returning to work at my "real life" job tomorrow and will be back on my regular massage schedule beginning Wednesday. I've been off for a while now and am honestly ready to get back to some sort of normalcy.
I would like to thank the dear,dear person who showed up today to show their support. That meant SO much to me...more than you know!
Anyway, that's it. Thank you all for reading and I look forward to seeing you lovely folks regularly again now.
Love to all...