Brown Recluse Spider Bite

3 weeks ago i got bit by this damn spider...
i can put a pic of what he did to my boob...its nasty
are you sure special K it was a spider or a client?

LOL jk!

Hope you are okay
I have pics....but thay are nasty
are you sure special K it was a spider or a client?

LOL jk!

Hope you are okay Originally Posted by BigDeal
Post em or I call shenanigans.
vegasbaby7's Avatar
What she said.

Post em or I call shenanigans. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Post em or I call shenanigans. Originally Posted by SillyGirl

Good Lord, I hope she doesn't call that bluff (and yet somehow, I have this feeling she will).

Steel yerselves, just in case!

Hope you're feeling better, K!!!
Starry69's Avatar
You have seen a doctor, right?

Those bites don't go away without medication.
I got nailed once on the back of my leg. Went to the doctor the next day. Shots and pills and still had a hole the size of a golf ball. If you haven't yet, get to the doctor. It won't go away on it's own.
Maverick 07's Avatar
expect some major swelling and permanent scarring. if your immune system is weakened at all dont play around..Might be advisable to take a few weeks off work while it heals..
It bit you on the boob?
Oh my gosh...
Talk about an unwanted breast reduction. Yech.
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
I've seen the pixs and definitely no shenanagins! Hope you're feeling better, Kaylen!
Im doing great....Its been a month ago..was in hospital for 3 days...but great now
Glad you're feeling better Kaylen.
Post em or I call shenanigans. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
REALLY?! "shenanigans"
The only person I know who says that word is my grandpa!

I am glad are doing better Kaylen!
I was bitten on the eye lid two years ago and still feel the affects. Doctor thought that I was going to lose my eye but he saved it. It was really, really ugly for awhile and lost the eye lid but it grew back. It is a must to see the Doctor. There is an outbreak of Brown Recluse spiders this year due to lack of cold weather last winter. Be careful and take care.