What are some of excuses your So gives for No Sex

pickupkid's Avatar
1. I'm tired


3.I got get up early tomarrow

4.I haven't shaved my legs

5.I 'm starting my period

Tell us your excuse for no sex
You name it I have heard it:

The sun came up.

The sun went down.

There are too many stars in the sky.

There are no stars in the sky.

I cooked dinner tonight.

You cooked dinner tonight.

We went out to dinner.

We had dinner delivered.

The dogs are watching.

The dogs are outside.
This idea of holding back sex from the SO is so foreign to me. The only reason I ever held back from my SO was because of Aunt Flo.
I thought the #1 answer would be I got a headache
txhunter56's Avatar
My allergies are killing me
i'm tired
I have a headache
I ate too much
just let me sleep
my stomach hurts
i'm reading my book
i'm watching my show
It's too early
it's too late
Sweet N Little's Avatar
This idea of holding back sex from the SO is so foreign to me. The only reason I ever held back from my SO was because of Aunt Flo.
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
+1 Elle, I had a clause in my marriage certificate saying if I had to go longer than 3 days it was grounds for divorce..
In the case of Aunt Flo I would respond with that is extra lube, but I am no way gonna DATY.
1.Because you didn't do the dishes.
2.There is a weird smell coming from your butt.
3.You flirted with the waitress and it made me upset.
4.I feel fat and I am so not in the mood.
5.I have B.O. so I don't want you near me.
6.You have B.O. and I don't want you near me.
7.I didn't brush my teeth.
8.It smells like you didn't brush your teeth.
9.You aren't paying enough attention to foreplay.
10.I really don't want to give you a blowjob and I know that's what you like first and I just. can't. do. it.
11.Because I don't want to do it the minute you walk in the door like you expect.
12.Because you've been a pervert all day and it's annoying.
13.I'm hungry -- and not for sex.
14.Because I'm tired.
15.Because groping doesn't turn me on.
16.You're drunk and I'm not.
17.I don't feel sexy.
18.Because I have no interest in sex at all.
19.I slept with someone else earlier in the day.
20.I just want to be alone.
21.Everyone's been up my ass all day, the kid, the dog, the cat, I don't want you there, too.
22.Because you're being an asshole.
23.Because you're being rough in a mean way.
24.I masturbated today. I've had enough.
25.Because I can't orgasm and I don't feel like faking it right now.
26.Because you aren't hard and I'm tired of trying.
27.Because loafing around the house in your boxers while you scratch your balls doesn't make me hot.
28.I'm on my period.
29.Because I wish the time you just spent playing your Xbox you were playing with me instead.
30.Because you don't want to do it how I want and I don't feel like explaining.
31.I fantasized about an ex today. I can't do it with you right now.
32.Because I'm cranky.
33.Five minutes ago you were basically ignoring me. Now you want to have sex? No.
34.Because I just showered and don't want to get dirty.
35.Because I don't think you love me
boardman's Avatar
1. You're fat and ugly
2. See #1
bojulay's Avatar
Can't we wait at least five minutes in between,
I need to catch my breath at least once first.

The ropes are a little too tight.

If I have one more orgasim I might explode.

Show me that you have the key to these handcuffs first.
burkalini's Avatar
1.Because you didn't do the dishes.
2.There is a weird smell coming from your butt.
3.You flirted with the waitress and it made me upset.
4.I feel fat and I am so not in the mood.
5.I have B.O. so I don't want you near me.
6.You have B.O. and I don't want you near me.
7.I didn't brush my teeth.
8.It smells like you didn't brush your teeth.
9.You aren't paying enough attention to foreplay.
10.I really don't want to give you a blowjob and I know that's what you like first and I just. can't. do. it.
11.Because I don't want to do it the minute you walk in the door like you expect.
12.Because you've been a pervert all day and it's annoying.
13.I'm hungry -- and not for sex.
14.Because I'm tired.
15.Because groping doesn't turn me on.
16.You're drunk and I'm not.
17.I don't feel sexy.
18.Because I have no interest in sex at all.
19.I slept with someone else earlier in the day.
20.I just want to be alone.
21.Everyone's been up my ass all day, the kid, the dog, the cat, I don't want you there, too.
22.Because you're being an asshole.
23.Because you're being rough in a mean way.
24.I masturbated today. I've had enough.
25.Because I can't orgasm and I don't feel like faking it right now.
26.Because you aren't hard and I'm tired of trying.
27.Because loafing around the house in your boxers while you scratch your balls doesn't make me hot.
28.I'm on my period.
29.Because I wish the time you just spent playing your Xbox you were playing with me instead.
30.Because you don't want to do it how I want and I don't feel like explaining.
31.I fantasized about an ex today. I can't do it with you right now.
32.Because I'm cranky.
33.Five minutes ago you were basically ignoring me. Now you want to have sex? No.
34.Because I just showered and don't want to get dirty.
35.Because I don't think you love me Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny

I think this provider is married. lol
pyramider's Avatar
This idea of holding back sex from the SO is so foreign to me. The only reason I ever held back from my SO was because of Aunt Flo.
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01

You ever hear of blow jobs? Visitors are no excuse.
You ever hear of blow jobs? Visitors are no excuse. Originally Posted by pyramider
Of course I have (check my reviews )! I was only referring to the actual act of sex, lol.
burkalini's Avatar
Of course I have (check my reviews )! I was only referring to the actual act of sex, lol.

Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01

Ok I knew Clinton would show up eventually. A blow job is not sex act. It's like having a salad before diinner but not having dinner itself. lol Fuck it's all SEX. In your pussy in your mouth or in your ass or you jerking me off. IT"S ALL SEX!!!!! lol
Disclaimer: any or all connections to the actual Bill Clinton is merely coincidence. Hey is that smegma on your chin?
pyramider's Avatar
Pearl earrings can be remnants of BBCR.