Fat guys might have better erectile function after losing weight?
Geez...who could have known? Glad we devoted some federal dollars to that critical piece of research.
I sometimes fly in and out of a Texas Hill Country airport owned by a small town of less than 10,000 population. A couple of years ago, the manager was reportedly notified that they were due to receive almost a million dollars of "stimulus money." Since the runway had been resurfaced only a year or so earlier, he had no idea what they were going to spend it on. Chances are it just sat around for a while and filled in a few local budget gaps here and there. Whether it actually "stimulated" any useful economic activity is obviously very doubtful.
Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
The connection between body fat and erectile disfunction is sort of interesting. The connection is due to the fact that body fat turns testosterone into estrogen. The fatter a man gets, the lower the testosterone. Lowering testosterone makes muscles atrophy and makes you get fatter. It becomes a viscous cycle.
Why on Earth, we need to spend money to prove something that's been known for decades is beyond me.