Let's see. If the Koch brothers are scary, these guys are absolutely frightening.
What's worse, there's a pic of Soros on the beach in a swim suit.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The following was linked to your "article"
The Paranoid Style in Liberal Politics
The left’s obsession with the Koch brothers
David Koch’s secretary told him the news. This was in February, during the rowdy standoff between Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and demonstrators backing 14 Democratic legislators who’d fled to Illinois rather than vote on a bill weakening public employee unions. Koch’s secretary said that an editor for a left-wing website, the Buffalo Beast, had telephoned the governor posing as David Koch and recorded the conversation. And Walker had fallen for it! He’d had a 20-minute conversation with this bozo, not once questioning the caller’s identity. But then how could Walker have known? Sure, David Koch was a billionaire whose company had donated to his campaign. But Koch (pronounced “Coke”) had never talked to Walker in his life. Yet here were the media reporting that he and his brother Charles were behind Walker’s push against public employees. Anger washed over David like a red tide. He’d been victimized by some punk with a political agenda. “It’s really identity theft,” he told me a month later, during an interview at Koch Industries’ headquarters. “And I think it’s extremely dishonest to misrepresent yourself. I think there’s a question of integrity. And the person who would do that has got to be an incredibly dishonest person.” Ala James O'Queef? Waaaaaaaaaaaaa teabaggers! Up until Walker’s showdown with the Democratic state senators, Koch had never seen a photograph of the governor. He had never seen video of him or a picture? He only saw transcripts of his positions? Get real. This is just a pointless lie. Who cares if he had seen him or not? He didn’t know him at all. But now the protesters occupying the Wisconsin state capitol were calling Walker a “Koch Whore".
Here is a link to the transcript of the call.