Medicare and Doctors who accept it scarce..

So my ex husband has asked me to help, his brother is severely schizophrenic and on disability and hence medicare. His elderly 98 year old fathers geriatric/internal doc dropped him and we are searching like crazy trying to find any good doctor near by to take them. I found a couple of docs but they want full payment up front and are telling us to deal with the filings and paperwork with medicare ourselves. His brother has to stay on his meds its imperative and he is getting down to the wire on what he currently has. They really need to do something about this shit with medicare...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The government is choking the doctors to death and are losing money dealing with Medicare.l
Government controlled price fixing hurts the ability of the individual on both ends.
I have been looking at the government website to see what doctors are listed. This is the first time I have encountered this where you literally cant find anybody now. His Dad has some serious age related health probs in addition we were looking for a out patient program from one of the psch hospitals to get his brother into and apparently 2 major facilities closed down recently and we were told Texas got rid of most of the programs to help families with mentally ill loved ones. I think one of the places was called Intracare.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You may have better luck outside of a major metropoitan area hwere small town doctors will still take Medicare.
My mother is on Medicare and has supplemental insurance. I've been trying to get ahold of her orthopedist to set an appt for the last 3 days. No returned calls, just voice message. Can't get past the initial answering service who "directs my call."

It will get worse with Obamacare as many doctors are dropping out of Medicare/Medicaid.

Have you tried taking them to a public hospital's emergency room? When a family member couldn't get timely medical treatment we were told to take him to the local hospital. When the same family member couldn't get a psych appt we were told take them to the local hospital as well. He has pretty decent medical and psychiatric insurance too.
So my ex husband has asked me to help, his brother is severely schizophrenic and on disability and hence medicare. His elderly 98 year old fathers geriatric/internal doc dropped him and we are searching like crazy trying to find any good doctor near by to take them. I found a couple of docs but they want full payment up front and are telling us to deal with the filings and paperwork with medicare ourselves. His brother has to stay on his meds its imperative and he is getting down to the wire on what he currently has. They really need to do something about this shit with medicare... Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
I've got a 35yr old son that is a schizophrenic. I will talk to his mother and see if she has some advice. I'll call her now. Get back with you.... , Rosenburg 281-342-0090, Crisis line 800-633-5686
Intercare North - Dr Frank Chen, Dr Dalia Hampton. She says they are the best.
Dr Baron- DAPA
The shot which you can give. Risperderdahl consta. According to the ex it's a mirical drug but cost $1'000 a month. Good luck....
TexTushHog's Avatar
No idea where you live, but out here in the country, the doctors would literally starve to death without Medicare or Medicaid. Banks would be repossessing their houses with in two or three months. I live in a county were about 1/3 of the population lives under the poverty level and almost 30% of the population is 60 and older. Not sure about the percentage with health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid, but with my personal injury clients it's about 40%. Probably less than 20% with private insurance. So drive 30 or 40 miles out side of town and see what you find.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
My kid's a doctor, and refuses to take Medicare. It doesn't pay anywhere near enough. For example, Medicare will reimburse $4 for a vaccine that it costs a doctor $10 to administer.

This is what happens when the government takes control of medicine. It will get worse. Much worse, unless the SCOTUS has a rare flash of constitutional common sense. I don't have my hopes up.
Yea wait till Obama care hits. The over passes on the freeway's will be infested with people. The new Mental hospitals. You think it's bad now.....wait maybe it will be like "One flew over the Kukoo Nest"......Aw we are fucked....
joe bloe's Avatar
Yea wait till Obama care hits. The over passes on the freeway's will be infested with people. The new Mental hospitals. You think it's bad now.....wait maybe it will be like "One flew over the Kukoo Nest"......Aw we are fucked.... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

If they ever do a remake of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", I think Hillary would be a great Nurse Ratched. Typecasting.

After the Democrats are finished destroying the economy, being able to live under bridge will be considered a luxury.

joe bloe's Avatar
Information on free or low-cost medications provided by pharmaceutical companies

Many pharmaceutical companies have some form of a Patient Assistance Program (PAP), which are designed to help people without health coverage or drug benefits obtain their medicines at little or no cost. However, such programs often are not well advertised, and many doctors do not even know they exist. The best way to find out if you are eligible is to use free internet database tools to search for your particular medications (some of the best ones are listed below), and/or contact the manufacturing company directly and ask them about PAPs and eligibility requirements. Although PAPs have different standards of eligibility, all will require a doctor's consent and signature. It can be difficult to get your doctor to complete the forms in a timely fashion - to help the process, fill out as much of them as you can before giving them to your doctor, make sure to bring all the information he/she will need with you, emphasize that this assistance is essential if you are to continue with your treatment, and make sure to acknowledge that they are busy and thank them for their time.
NAMI has recently started endorsing the Partnership for Prescription Assistance, a new program that seeks to boost enrollment in existing Patient Assistance Programs by helping consumers identify and apply for programs for which they may be eligible. This may be a good place to start if you are unfamiliar with Assistance Programs that might work for you - however, we don't yet know how successful the Partnership is at enrolling people in good programs, or how much they may charge for their service. If anyone has experiences to share about the Partnership for Prescription Assistance (good or bad), please email the administration at: Visit their website ( or call 1-888-477-2669 if you are interested.
Hey thank you for all the info I am gonna follow up on these suggestions and yes if need be we will take his brother to the ER if it gets to that point.