
Rollensmoke's Avatar
Sarahlyn was a no show for an appointment with me today. But she did send me a message. Sorry for this post.
Rollensmoke's Avatar
I am sorry but.. I just checked my messages she did send me a message explaining what happened. I did not have the message when I posted this post. Please disregard the Post above. The time stamp on the message was before our appointment time. Sarahlyn I am sorry. If I could I would delete it But I cant or don’t know how too.
#SarahLynn's Avatar
No problem im done with school got a new car and in fayetteville full time until aug when my classes start back up like i said sorry !!!
TechOne's Avatar
Please point that new ride toward central arkansas sometime soon!
#SarahLynn's Avatar
Lol may have to justndo that