Night owls?

I dont know if it is the time change or me or the sleeping on the plane but i am up late and just wanted to see if anyone else stayed up late!

anyways hope everyone is havin a great night

xoxo ladyjae
I am up late cant sleep I have always been a night owl
this aint late

  • jf
  • 05-02-2010, 02:48 AM
lol well my computer says 12:51 but my phone says 2:51 lol wierd
well its too late because i was out and about, i made three calls from the weekend lineup, one said sun up to sun down and i did not get an answer. at home now so its too late.
Tex9401's Avatar
it is board game night and I just got home, so it is normal for me to be up late on this night.
sixxbach's Avatar
im late, got back from a show. sure would love to drop a load somewhere besides my boxers before i call it a night
well its too late because i was out and about, i made three calls from the weekend lineup, one said sun up to sun down and i did not get an answer. at home now so its too late. Originally Posted by atxrefman
well you should have called me i was up!
xoxo jae
ME TOO!! lol
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Still up
atxbrad's Avatar
Wholey Chit Vicki! Go to bed.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Wish I could...insomia sucks....Now I am up for the day
Fixin to get off work, gonna b a long drive
home. What to. I wonder who is up.
Leaving far south to go far north at midnight
any suggestions

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-07-2010, 02:03 AM
Now that I am a Mod I am up late a bit more often than before.