Just to reiterate the main reason why you are here:
Ladies: you want to make money
Guys: you want to have sex
Occasionally other things happen between two or more consenting adults, but basically that's the whole idea behind this site and others like it. That's why you write reviews, or pay for access, or become a Verified Provider: so you can read, chat, and hopefully make an informed decision about having an erotic encounter.
Now take a moment and hit the Back button on your browser and look at the titles of the threads on the page. Take a good hard look. Then hit Forward and come back here.
Each one of you makes your own decision about what you are going to read and what you are going to post here. What's here is the product of what each one of you do... every single day and every single evening.
That's all. End of lesson.
Thanks for indulging me as my birthday month comes to a close.