Ok so lets face it, many of us have met a cop or two in their lives, so that got me to thinking about a scenario the other day.
We were out for a friends Bachelor party at the strip clubs the other night, and we had a guy who was a cop in the group. Someone mentioned getting the bachelor a date for the evening, and he was up for it. I started to mention one of the dancers I knew was a provider.... but I just shut up due to not knowing how to answer this question.
In that scenario, do we as hobbyist have a duty to inform the provider that one of the possible hobbyists was LEO.... knowing that he was wanting to be a hobbyist for the evening, and taking the "night off". Also assuming you know he would not go back another time to screw with her.
The scenarios I saw coming out of the situation....
1. You ask her to partake, but say, "hey just FYI so and so is LEO, but it's ok he's cool with it". She freaks and black balls you b/c your friends with a LEO.
2. You don't say anything, and everyone is happy, as she never knows.
3. You tell her and she's cool with it (I doubt this would happen)