But won't..........because it is black on white ?


And it happened on ML King Boulevard, in the multi-cultural haven of Denver !!
But won't..........because it is black on white ?


And it happened on ML King Boulevard, in the multi-cultural haven of Denver !! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Typical negro behavior. I'm surprised they actually ran this on the news. Black on white crime is rampant, but almost always swept under the rug.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Why hasn't there been an arrest and public prosecution?????
You know it has to be on tape.
What are they waiting for??????
Anybody else see the article where Trayvon's father's hired a media team to get "Trayvon's story out"?


It begins with Tracy Martin reaching out on February 28th to his sister-in-law attorney Patricia Jones, she in turn contacted Benjamin Crump from Parks and Crump law firm in Tallahassee. Crump contacted Tracy Martin February 29th and took the case March 1st.
Chasing that initial “contact angle” takes you into another insane web of interwoven associations. So I’m skipping it, but you can READ IT HERE.
Crump then contacted Orlando Attorney Natalie Jackson to begin the process of formulating the offensive strategy. Natalie Jackson is a Seminole County NAACP board member and serves as a member of the Legal Redress Committee. In addition Natalie Jackson’s mom, Francis Oliver, is a major activist and historian within the NAACP.

Natalie Jackson and Benjamin Crump hire Media Communications expert Ryan Julison, who Jackson had previously worked with on the Sanford Sherman Ware case where they were able to extort leverage financial restitution from the son of a former Sanford Police Lieutenant; the son’s name is Justin Collison, and he was charged with beating Sherman Ware. In addition to money paid to Sherman Ware, Collison, the grandson of a very wealthy former federal judge, also paid off the NAACP. Ryan Julison ran the media campaign to support Ware.
While Julison went about pitching the racist white George Zimmerman murdering the innocent Trayvon Martin to the media, which he did very effectively, Benjamin Crump got in touch with his former cohorts from the Martin Lee Anderson case; namely Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and National NAACP President Ben Jealous. Continue reading →
Guest123018-4's Avatar
This has always been a media event and not much more.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-24-2012, 11:41 AM
But won't..........because it is black on white ?

http://www.wtsp.com/news/watercooler...-at-drive-thru Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Rev Al is as racist as almost anyone. And he's not the sharpest crayon in the box either. You know the answe to your question before you ask it.

Typical negro behavior. I'm surprised they actually ran this on the news. Black on white crime is rampant, but almost always swept under the rug. Originally Posted by Dr. Pecker
You know, sort of like this poster. A true model of loving Christian kindness. Let's see, a little over 100 posts and on a very casual scan I find:
--He associates himself with the Green River mass murderer
--Thinks there is "typical negro behavior"
--His one an only review is titled, "Review: I overpaid, was forced to use a rubber"

Nothing psychotic going on in that brain! No, sir!

Sounds a lot like Grassy Knoll to me.