Claims Of Obama Spending Binge False

White House urges press not to buy into 'B.S.' Republican talking points about Obama spending

Republicans have long used the "tax-and-spend" trope as a cudgel against Democrats. That's happening again this election season. But, as White House Press Secretary Jay Carney pointed out to reporters riding Air Force One Wednesday, asserting that President Obama has been on a spending spree is a GOP talking point utterly in conflict with the facts. Carney had just read the Rex Nutting analysis in the Marketwatch section of the Wall Street Journal that we highlighted here Tuesday. Condensed, that analysis says the "spending binge" Obama supposedly has been on since he came into office never happened.
Donovan Black of Politico wrote that Nutting's piece spurred Carney to offer a bit of advice for his captive audience:
“That is a fact not often noted in the press,” Carney said, “and certainly never mentioned by the Republicans.” [...] “I simply make the point—as an editor might say—to ‘check it out,’” he said.
“Do not buy into the B.S. that you hear about spending and fiscal constraint with regard to this administration. I think doing so is a sign of sloth and laziness.”
Critics on the left have argued that the Obama administration has not spent enough because more government stimulus is needed to remedy the impacts of the Great Recession. Paul Krugman and other economists came to this conclusion before the stimulus was passed 39 months ago. Christine Romer, former chairperson of the Council on Economic Advisers, also wanted more stimulus, but her ideas in this regard never made it to the president's desk. The counter-argument was that while more would probably be better, politically more was impossible because an unwilling Congress stood in the way.

Suppose for a moment that Congress had not been in the way. Suppose that the stimulus package had been double what it was, rounded off at $1.6 trillion. That's pretty much what I and others argued should have been pushed. Reckless spending? On the contrary, it would have meant a temporary boost in additional overall spending of just 5 percent. It should be noted that military spending has risen just under 8 percent since 2009. For comparison, during George Bush's two terms overall military spending rose 68 percent. Against that, a doubled stimulus package, especially one focused on investments in clean energy and restored infrastructure, seems more than reasonable. And still nothing like a "spending spree."

Whether or not one believes Obama should have spent more to boost the economy, it's clear that he has not presided over four years of reckless expansion of the federal budget. As Carney points out, the media should not be reinforcing the Republicans' bullshit claims that he has.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The National Debt has increased by 50%, or $5 TRILLION dollars in the last 3 years. That is out of control spending regardless of which party is responsible (I should say which party is culpable, neither party is responsible). Obama promised to cut the deficit IN HALF! He lied.

We are going to economic hell in a handbasket, and this is the best you can do? That Obama has been able to maintain the level of spending established by Bush? By that reasoning, I guess Obama is almost as good as Bush. Boy, are WE lucky!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The deficit is rising faster but it is not Barack's fault.
Billions have been obviously wasted when we don't have it to spend and it's not Barack's fault.
Money was given to European banks after Bush left office and, somehow, it's not Barack's fault.
Taxes are going up on 1 January, 2013 for the largest tax increase in history based on a law passed in March of 2010. Which if you missed it is about a year after Bush left office and THAT is not Barack's fault!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-24-2012, 04:21 AM
The National Debt has increased by 50%, or $5 TRILLION dollars in the last 3 years. That is out of control spending regardless of which party is responsible (I should say which party is culpable, neither party is responsible). Obama promised to cut the deficit IN HALF! He lied. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Of course the fact that the tax rate is the lowest it's been in decades has nothing to do with that.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Dove doesn't read everything before he posts huh?

Besides don't you guys watch tv? There's the stargate program to consider and all the black op divisions we don't know about.
Of course the fact that the tax rate is the lowest it's been in decades has nothing to do with that. Originally Posted by Doove
lmao.. right....
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Has nothing to do with the tax rate it is the economy stupid.
I have made less money since Obama came into office than the years Bush was in office. As a result I am paying less taxes like a lot of people due to the fact I am making less money. Now take all of the unemployed and throw them into the mix where they are paying very little on their unemployment benefits and then there are those that have had their benefits run out. throw in those that have become underemployed and all the jobs that were not created here because of our excessive government and your revenues go way down.

Your idea that raising the tax rates will bring in more money so that they can continue to spend in excess it in a large part what is wrong with where we are now. It does not matter what the tax rate is if you have fewer and fewer people in the work force, the businesses are hurting, those that once supplied tax revenue are not taking tax dollars, the amount goes down.
How hard is that to understand?

Obama is spending every cent he can. The main thing is that he is shifting the money from one pocket to the other. In addition the budget level had been increased by the Democrats in the last two years of Bush's term to a much higher level. The inability of them passing a budget means that he gets to keep on spending instead of making the cuts he promised. Any cut he makes in one area is shifted to other areas. It is a fucking shell game.

Obama and the Democrats have never wanted to pass a budget that reduces spending.


The above tables illustrate Obama 's spending plan (budget) . Thank God the Republican led HOR (AND TEAPARTY ACTIVISTS) stopped the Obama spending and debt binge!

Obama wants to spend alot more; but he can't without the votes in Congress!
Your graph above is flawed and not accurate..and does not take everything into account. Nice job but only a very right wing biased person would believe a chart like this.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
President Obama should not give credit 4 the 2009 job creating stimulus 2 George Bush and the new baseline spending established off the stimulus. he should b proud ov the $$$ hes spending 2 help people & creating jobs. President Obama should not run from hiz fantastic record but b proud ov it.
rodog44's Avatar
President Obama should not give credit 4 the 2009 job creating stimulus 2 George Bush and the new baseline spending established off the stimulus. he should b proud ov the $$$ hes spending 2 help people & creating jobs. President Obama should not run from hiz fantastic record but b proud ov it. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
It is fucking idiots like you that is going to doom this country.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Either he states that he spent the stimulus money, both stimulus packages, and take credit for what he claims or he has to give the credit to Bush.
Can he actually have it both ways.
There is a reason that there hasnt been a budget.
The numbers are actual to the present and thereafter represent the projections in Obama’s FY 2013 budget. Those projections are from the Senate Budget Committe and use Obama's rosy assumptions and all.

Staggering, unbelieable, scary, astounding, I know.

Please point out the statistical flaws and omissions. You saying there are errors doesn't make it so.

Your graph above is flawed and not accurate..and does not take everything into account. Nice job but only a very right wing biased person would believe a chart like this. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1