He put himself in that position. And I bet he was well-paid for it. I'll also bet he was offered the option of getting out of his stinking shit-hole of a country subsequent to the completion of his role in the operation and he declined....obviously misreading the situation.
So...be the libertardian you claim to be and put the responsibility for this little fiasco where it belongs.
Originally Posted by timpage
Timmy, you are making up facts that support your position, but there is no evidence that they are true. Fact is, you don't know. Fact is, the guy tried to help us, and we have left him hanging in the wind. Not a good policy.
And for the record, I don't have a TV. I don't watch right wing media, and I listen to jazz and NPR on the radio.
Try your next stereotype, please. And make it a good one so you can criticize it without referring to any facts.