Which one is better?

ello gents(&ladies),
I have a question for ya,
do you prefer all natural( i.e no make up) or the heavily doctored faces(caked makeup)or do you like a little but not tooo much? sorry i didnt know how to put that

I think natural beauty is a lovely thing. Just wanted some opinions.

Marcus78's Avatar
A little bit, or none at all. I kind of like a "raw," unadulterated look in the bedroom, (it brings out my animal-like instincts I guess!) but I LOVE a girl who is gussied-up/fancy out in public. I just hate the clown face makeup in any setting. You should be comfortable in the skin you're in, and not hide behind 5 pounds of mascara, lipstick and powder!
tallgeese's Avatar
Just a little bit is fine. Natural is fine in most cases.
sa2ny76's Avatar
apt in a safe area..
handyGiraffe's Avatar
A Giraffe likes it all natural!
Go natural. I admire it.
Doc_rob's Avatar
A little bit is OK with me. Too much and it might send a RED flag to some of the SO's out there. For me, the most attractive part of a woman is her eyes & smile, so some eye make-up and lip gloss would be HOT for me.
Totally agree with Doc_rob and everything he said, especially eyes & smile!
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
Im all about natural -- Id rather show up to a woman with her hair pulled back no make up and some cute boxers and a wifebeater
Nutting Buckeye's Avatar
Me like a la "Natural" for my nutty playtime! Some light make-up (foundation, eye shadow) and lip gloss (strawberry or watermelon flavor) is cool.

Alot of make-up just makes a mess since we gonna be getting sweaty while we be bumpin-N-grindin.......right?
this is good to know!
great question!!
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 06-02-2012, 10:20 PM
Natural , if it had to be either or. As always its better to have a little bit but with moderation.

Besides some guys may want to apply their own makeup to a girl.

To quote andrew dice clay :

"Liquid? In about three minutes your face is about to look like a lemon merengue pie"

Makeup please.
Travelingbro's Avatar
natural..... with lip gloss I'm a sucker for juicy lips... make up never been a fan of. Especially to much of it.
cowboy84's Avatar
I like it all natural...just some lip gloss will do for me...too much makeup is a turnoff to me