Voter ID? Why If Fraud Isn't An Issue????

Iaintliein's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Geez, the Democrats must want to keep the poor and elderly out of their convention. Makes it easier for them to tell them how victimized they are.

Stupid people manufacture stupid reasons.

Voting is a right. Attending a political convention as an elected delegate is not even germane to the voting rights premise and perfectly illustrates the minutia of crap the Teapublicans use to obfuscate issues.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Poor Stevie you don't remember the conventions of 1968 when the media and liberal establishment said that it was a right for every citizen to be allowed to attend the conventions? You assume a lot, probably too much. It says if you don't have photo ID then you don't get in. Okay, what if a delegate has not ID? That is what they are talking about. You see many delegates are political neophytes and no one knows who they are. You lose the argument because apparently the hypocritical democrats don't want the wrong people in attendance much less voting.
Poor Stevie you don't remember the conventions of 1968 when the media and liberal establishment said that it was a right for every citizen to be allowed to attend the conventions? You assume a lot, probably too much. It says if you don't have photo ID then you don't get in. Okay, what if a delegate has not ID? That is what they are talking about. You see many delegates are political neophytes and no one knows who they are. You lose the argument because apparently the hypocritical democrats don't want the wrong people in attendance much less voting. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How would you ever grade one of your student's/victim's papers?

You're a train wreck.

Apparently voter fraud is NOT an issue and cannot be proven to be an issue. It is undeniably being used by TPunks to intimidate people and to make it more difficult for traditionally Democratic-leaning voters to vote.

The requirement of a photo I.D. to enter a private event is not germane to the voter ID argument, stupid.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It is undeniably being used by TPunks to intimidate people and to make it more difficult for traditionally Democratic-leaning voters to vote.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Just wondering....why do you think it intimidates those people?
joe bloe's Avatar
Just wondering....why do you think it intimidates those people? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Getting a photo ID is like writing a master's thesis for some people.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-04-2012, 03:25 PM
How would you ever grade one of your student's/victim's papers?

You're a train wreck.

Apparently voter fraud is NOT an issue and cannot be proven to be an issue. It is undeniably being used by TPunks to intimidate people and to make it more difficult for traditionally Democratic-leaning voters to vote.

The requirement of a photo I.D. to enter a private event is not germane to the voter ID argument, stupid.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
You are such a foolish fuck. 1 year ago my brother found our our Dad had still been voting, he passed away 9 years ago, was a registered Dem, but hadn't voted for a Dem since Johnson. And that's in Pa, one of the most corrupt, so fuck you very much....
Boltfan's Avatar
Little Stevie,

You never answered my question from the other thread. WHY is it a bad thing to ask for identification when voting? Don't answer with why some people don't have an ID, just answer the simple part. We can debate getting all the poor abused masses an ID at a later point.

WHY is it a bad idea to require identification of those who wish to vote?

Once you answer that question I will ask the next.
1 year ago my brother found our our Dad had still been voting, he passed away 9 years ago, was a registered Dem, but hadn't voted for a Dem since Johnson. Originally Posted by seedman55
So please release the details. Voter fraud, if it really happened as you claim it did, is often punishable by a prison sentence yet you just make an anecdotal claim without facts. And since ballots are secret, how do you know for whom your dead father's imitator voted?

And Boltfan, I have no desire to debate about why putting the cart before the horse is a hard way to ride in a cart. Address the other issue of there not being enough voter fraud in the whole U.S. to fill half of Lew Sterrett with those found guilty. That FACT alone begs the question of why only Teapublicans are pushing the measure.

Gee, the TPunk "pedestalized" Founding Fathers didn't put dragging your unfinished Gilbert Stuart portrait to the polls as a requirement in the constitution. There were no photo IDs then. Oh the horror!

I B Hankering's Avatar

Gee, the TPunk "pedestalized" Founding Fathers didn't put dragging your unfinished Gilbert Stuart portrait to the polls as a requirement in the constitution. There were no photo IDs then. Oh the horror!

Originally Posted by Little Stevie
The property owners knew each other -- they were neighbors. No newly arrived, same day registering, apartment dwelling (i.e., property-less) strangers were allowed to vote.
I don't think Steven is real. It's a computer robot created by Biden.
rodog44's Avatar
So please release the details. Voter fraud, if it really happened as you claim it did, is often punishable by a prison sentence yet you just make an anecdotal claim without facts. And since ballots are secret, how do you know for whom your dead father's imitator voted?

And Boltfan, I have no desire to debate about why putting the cart before the horse is a hard way to ride in a cart. Address the other issue of there not being enough voter fraud in the whole U.S. to fill half of Lew Sterrett with those found guilty. That FACT alone begs the question of why only Teapublicans are pushing the measure.

Gee, the TPunk "pedestalized" Founding Fathers didn't put dragging your unfinished Gilbert Stuart portrait to the polls as a requirement in the constitution. There were no photo IDs then. Oh the horror!

Originally Posted by Little Stevie
He wont answer the question because he cant.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But he uses larger fonts, and a different color, which proves he must be right. Sometimes he uses all caps just to make sure we know he's right. Even if he isn't saying anything. Different colors, larger fonts, that's how he thinks he wins arguments. Ideas are foreign to him.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So please release the details. Voter fraud, if it really happened as you claim it did, is often punishable by a prison sentence yet you just make an anecdotal claim without facts. And since ballots are secret, how do you know for whom your dead father's imitator voted? Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Dead people voting? and you're wondering how the imitator voted?

Its a fair guess, dead people usually vote democrat. hows that.

I don't think seedman knows how the imitator voted, just that he's aware of the fraud prolly from his dads registration papers that was sent to him maybe by accident.