Welcome back Marshall, the 1st shitstorm to hit will be the Wisconsin unions (and their progressive loons)...... A bell weather vote according to DSW!You did good work during my incarceration. The libtards are beat down pretty good.
read the comments here; makes you proud to be on the right side of this winning issue. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Welcome back Marshall, the 1st shitstorm to hit will be the Wisconsin recall vote (unions and their progressive loons getting shellacked)... A bell weather vote according to DWS!!
Read the comments here; makes you proud to be on the right side of this winning issue. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Anybody care to predict the over/under on how long he will last this time?That is a good question. ChicoChaser is not directly moderating this forum anymore. Maybe the current moderators won't ban me for unnecessary rudeness. I didn't see that rule in the Sandbox. I thought being rude in the Sandbox was the point. LOL! I guess ChicoChaser figured the liberal scum around here were a bunch of stupid pussies who couldn't defend themselves against me. HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!Originally Posted by bigmex
That is a good question. ChicoChaser is not directly moderating this forum anymore. Maybe the current moderators won't ban me for unnecessary rudeness. I didn't see that rule in the Sandbox. I thought being rude in the Sandbox was the point. LOL! I guess ChicoChaser figured the liberal scum around here were a bunch of stupid pussies who couldn't defend themselves against me. HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Originally Posted by MarshallI thought you were banned for changing people's handle and their posts when you quoted them without acknowledging doing so.
That is a good question. ChicoChaser is not directly moderating this forum anymore. That Mod scares the shit out of me. The current pussy ass moderators won't ban me for unnecessary rudeness. If they do they can suck my dick. Originally Posted by MarshellSee what bullshit it can cause.
I thought being rude in the Sandbox was the point. LOL! I guess ChicoChaser figured the liberal scum around here were a bunch of stupid pussies who couldn't defend themselves against me. HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Originally Posted by Marshall
Actually, thinking anything presupposes a mind with which to do so.Marshall is a vaccine against you Fast Cumm. Welcome back Marshall!
You are not so equipped, scum of the earth.
. . . Heaven only knows who or why anyone allowed you back in like the polio virus you are, but we just need the right vaccine to eradicate another human scourge!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I thought you were banned for changing people's handle and their posts when you quoted them without acknowledging doing so. Originally Posted by WDFNo. My notification of ban says unnecessary rudeness. I don't see any rule regarding changing quoted posts in the rules thread. If there was I'd obey the rules like I always do. If a moderator makes up rules that apply to only me; or apply non-Sandbox rules to me while I'm in the Sandbox; or so misinterpret rules against me; then I can't do anything about that. If I get banned while following the rules then the rules mean nothing. Liberals don't believe in the rule of law either.