Where did I go wrong?

I was with an old GF that I haven’t seen in many years. After a nice dinner and a few drinks, we quickly retreated to the bedroom just like old times. As things were really starting to heat up she whispered in my ear, “Talk mean to me baby, talk mean to me.” Caught a little off guard by this request, I told her “Your hips are too big and I can’t stand your children.” I haven’t heard from her since. Where did I go wrong?
That's Good.
Paying for a nice dinner and a few drinks?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It sounds like you were not nearly mean enough.
Telling the truth is not mean.
Hell I am surprised you did not tell her that the dye makes her hair smell funny.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ooohhh u sayin' he doesn't know how to be mean????