A Third Party Vote is Not Wasted

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When you vote for the lesser of two evils, evil still wins. Vote your conscience!

joe bloe's Avatar
This is no time to go quixotic. Obama is dangerous. This country may not survive four more years of this freak. Romney isn't perfect, but he's infinitely better that Obama. Politics is the art of the possible.
I voted for Perot the first time, thus disproving your thread topic. Still love that crazy bastard though.
Still love that crazy bastard though. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Were you making a reference about yourself, Perot or both?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-03-2012, 07:42 AM
Obama is dangerous. This country may not survive four more years of this freak. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You're goofy.
You're goofy. Originally Posted by Doove
Correction: He is beyond goofy!
This is no time to go quixotic. Obama is dangerous. This country may not survive four more years of this freak. Romney isn't perfect, but he's infinitely better that Obama. Politics is the art of the possible. Originally Posted by joe bloe
What this country will NOT survive is continued voting for the "lesser of 2 evils."

I'm not sure which way it will go, either full blown Communist or full blown Fascist, but unless the population starts voting their conscience, we are doomed. That is unless you like blown Communist or full blown Fascist.
  • Laz
  • 06-03-2012, 10:44 AM
Unless the third party can build a base that wins local and congressional elections they will not succeed. They have no chance at the presidency at this time so a vote for them is simply a statement and risks allowing the election of the person you like least. I prefer libertarian but they need to build a base if they want to be a viable option. A lot of independents and tea party supporters are libertarian. They need to start focusing on districts where they have a chance to win and start building a base in congress.
joe bloe's Avatar
What this country will NOT survive is continued voting for the "lesser of 2 evils."

I'm not sure which way it will go, either full blown Communist or full blown Fascist, but unless the population starts voting their conscience, we are doomed. That is unless you like blown Communist or full blown Fascist. Originally Posted by Submodo
The late William F. Buckley advocated that conservatives should always support the most conservative candidate that could win. I think that's the logical thing to do. That's why I will never vote third party if it means splitting the conservative vote and guaranteeing a Democrat victory.

You say that unless Americans start voting their conscience, we're doomed. I'm not convinced that 51% of Americans would vote conservative if they followed their conscience. A lot of people have been programmed into believing that the nanny state is the ethical choice.

I agree with your belief that we are headed for communism or fascism. We have abandoned our Constitution and are functioning as a defacto democracy. Democracies are, by nature socialistic. If left to a popular vote, the people will always, eventually, bankrupt the country by voting for free stuff from the government. That is what has happened in Europe and that is what is happening in America.

Once America is completely bankrupt, the social welfare state will collapse and rioting will become commonplace. In the last days of the Roman republic, the people were given bread and circuses to keep them from rioting. Our social welfare programs are the equivalent of bread and circuses.

Once the social welfare give aways can't be funded, tyranny becomes inevitable. I believe that's where we are headed and I believe that's what the left has wanted all along. The left has always wanted all power to be held by the government with no freedom to the individual. In their twisted mind, that's the formula for a socialist utopia.

Using bankruptsy as a tool to bring about revolution is advocated by the Cloward-Piven Strategy of manufactured crisis. I'm linking to an article that explains the concept.

If you vote for anyone except Mitt Romney in the upcoming election, it's the same as voting for President Obama. And Visa-Versa.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I voted for Ron Paul. If more people would actually look at him in a serious manner, they would see that he is perfectly suited to run this country in a no-nonsense manner.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The only reason Ron Paul won't win is because the media and major parties have told us ad nauseum that he can't win. And too many of us believe them.
When you vote for the lesser of two evils, evil still wins. Vote your conscience!

http://chelm.freeyellow.com/wastedvote.html Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COF, Ron Paul is as evil as are you for continuing to lie to everyone. Paul is an unfeeling self-loving Faux Libertarian anarchist along with his stupid, pugilistic son.

Not one law Obama has signed is evil.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well said, Stevie, once again proving you're an idiot. Please post some references to the lies.
If you vote for anyone except Mitt Romney in the upcoming election, it's the same as voting for President Obama. And Visa-Versa. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What I love to do is read what smart people have to say about politics and not what idiots have to say.

Vice Versa.

Visa is a credit card.

Obama is an intelligent leader. Romney is a wealthy opportunist trying to buy the presidency along with his rich friends. They simply want to destroy the last vestiges of our ability to regulate the ultra-powerful.