Obama to Ignore NDAA Ruling

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nope, the Executive Branch doesn't need to obey the courts. Tell me this isn't a symptom of tyranny.


Obama also wants warrantless searches. That means they can search anyone, anywhere, anytime, without probable cause. Just because probable cause is in the Constitution, doesn't mean Obama has to follow it. Gotta keep the Americans safe, you know.


Li'l Ol' Stevie wanted some examples of evil Obama legislation. Here ya go!

Why do you conveniently leave out binding signing statements that promise Obama will not use certain of the MDAA provisions (most of those YOU find objectionable)?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
First, they aren't binding. Secondly, they aren't binding. Third, Obama has lied before.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A binding statement has absolutely no legal or political standing. This was one of the charges that Jefferson made against King George III.
Iaintliein's Avatar
But wait, didn't the Obamabots tell us he didn't want this to pass in the first place?