HIV positive man denied access to medications !

This is just unbelievable! It proofs again that someone that studies medicine obviously does not necessarily need personal development coming with it. So , it is most likely for any kind of university degree.
Even if just a quantum of this is accurate it is more than sufficient to let this stupid female doctor deal with the consequences, and
I think this person needs to be deprived of her medical license, before she does anymore harm...

WTF??? Seriously?? Doctors shall Keep their personal judgements and opinions away from their patients. It`s not theirs to be "judge , juror and executioner" on other people`s rights.

Another case of " God Complex" , which means a person who is superior to others and thinks she herself is god-like. Besides, I don`t know of any human, that - like she says - knows what is "god`s will"? This is outrageous. How can she claim to know what "God`s will " is??

" ELIZABETH, N.J. (CN) - A gay HIV-positive man says in court that a hospital denied him treatment and visitors, as the doctor remarked, "This is what he gets for going against God's will."
Joao Simoes sued Trinitas Regional Medical Center in Union County Superior Court. He says that the hospital admitted him in August 2011, but that "requests for his lifesaving medication were not honored," and his sister was denied visitation rights.
Susan V. Borga, M.D., from the Department of Behavioral Health and Psychiatry, allegedly approached Simoes while he was confined to the hospital's mental health wing. Borga is not named as a defendant.
Simoes says Borga was unfazed when another patient told her that he had just gotten out of prison, where he served time for murder. But her reaction was allegedly different when Simoes said that he did not work because he planned to go back to school and because of his HIV status.
Borga then allegedly asked Simoes how he got HIV, to which he responded, "I got it from unprotected sex."
The complaint then says that "Dr. Borga closed the plaintiff's file, put it down and looked at plaintiff with disgust on her face and asked, coldly, "Is that from sex with men?"
Simoes says he responded affirmatively and that, "immediately after hearing this, Dr. Borga proceeded to exit the room.""


When the hospital finally permitted Simoes to call his personal physician on the third day of his stay, he learned that the doctor had already spoken with Borga about Simoes' medication, according to the complaint.
Borga allegedly responded: "You must be gay, too, if you're his doctor."
"Additionally, apparently realizing that plaintiff's doctor had an accent, Dr. Borga exclaimed, 'What, do you need a translator?' to which plaintiff's doctor had again responded that Dr. Borga needed to give plaintiff his HIV medication," the complaint states.
Is it a Republican female doctor and Republican hospital?
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  • 69er
  • 06-04-2012, 09:17 PM
Unfortunately those who are biggots are represented in all walks of life. Just because someone is educated, does not make them intelligent!

The republican comments above, are evidence of someone elses biggotry.
Just because someone is educated, does not make them intelligent!
Originally Posted by 69er
That is true indeed,

and please lets not make this about political parties, because that is subject to another realm in here.

My point in posting this was much rather, that some people think they stand above and beyond all ethical measurements or laws.

Strictly speaking: If medicine has a cure/treatment a doctor should not be allowed to sanction it`s validity based on personal reasons.

And I believe that religions are personal reasons. Medically speaking he is allowed to get treatment, so he should be delivered to it.

It`s no ones right to judge if and how someone gets a disease, let alone if he deserved it or not, that is idiotic and cruel :-( and inhuman.

I rememmber similar things happen in "Psycho.Oncology" where people get presented with idiocies like "Oh she got cancer because she was always surrounded and implemented with negative energies".In Austria we had a case where a father refused his daughter to get regular cancer treatment , because some guru told him it`s all in her head. ANd therefor straightening her thoughts will be the cure. They abducted the child to some Island and when they got back to Austria - thank god - police was waiting, and the parents was removed from custody over the child. She barely survived, but she did survive.

Granted,. Psyche does have an influence, but not as much as some idiots might believe.

Granted, HIV has nothing to do with religions or being gay or is not a punishment from God, either.