For decades, admirals have warned that the US cannot guarantee navigational rights without ratification of LOST through Congress.Notice where is says "For decades" this has been around for a long time and the Navy has pushed hard for it. You cannot say it is all Obama because it was here before he got here.
sure the idiots can, its what they do bestFuck the UN....This will NOT happen. Fuck THE UNITED NATION's. FUCK any GD (so called) American piece of shit that would let this happen...
Originally Posted by CJ7
The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) is a disaster. We know Obama supports it, so we have to rely on the Senate to defeat it. God help us!What aspect of the LOST do you oppose, pray tell? Is it Part XI and mineral rights? If so, we excepted to that, didn't we? I haven't looked at that in years, but that was the only part we had any problems with, as I recall.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy