Provider shows up and needs to shower first. your thoughts?

gimme_that's Avatar
Ok this is mostly aimed at you outcall clients. Providers can respond as well as I'm curious.

When a provider shows up to your place or hotel for an appointment. And she informs you, or she proceeds after greeting you to take a you consider this a bad thing, good thing or does it not matter much preception wise?

For the most part I assume this stuff most times:

1. They are just coming from an appointment and need to shower again.

2. They are on their period and wants to shower real quick to mask any hints of it before it will be a shocking "surprise" to her when the session starts.....

3. Shes trying to get me to join her maybe, but I'm already ready and don't need to so probably not.

4. She needs to shave time off of the session and can use up a good ten to fifteen minutes getting ready to decrease BCD time.

5. She just prefers to be freshly showered before appointments.
Grace Preston's Avatar
For me, especially in the Texas heat-- even if I shower before leaving home, a 30 minute drive can leave one sticky and I'd prefer to be shower fresh. In addition, I don't count that time against a gent unless of course he wishes to join me for some shower fun.
I got to go along with Grace... Showers are a good thing.. In this heat..balls and kitty can get funky quick... Who wants to lick funky kitty ? Not me..hose it off..makes for a better session... Every year providers post a wash your balls thread...goes both ways...
It's that time of year again...soap and water are our friends... Make it water.. Shower together....
JUMP in with her!

Soapy shower sessions are great fun!
  • Sami
  • 06-14-2012, 03:13 PM
I would ask to take a shower if I was sweating on my ride over. It's hot as hell in Texas. I would think most men want us fresh as we can be.
cumalot's Avatar
I say to shower is ok, as I do it all the time, I want to be as fresh as I can and I would hope she would want to be also....Hell jumping in together is better....
I say to shower is ok, as I do it all the time, I want to be as fresh as I can and I would hope she would want to be also....Hell jumping in together is better.... Originally Posted by cumalot
I think you are over analyzing the situation. I would tell her sure she can take a shower as long as she lets you join her in the shower. That way you get to enjoy the time in the shower with her and won't feel she's eating up some of your time.
Wow, I didn't think guys thought that much into it. Maybe because most of us responding are down in the south where it gets HOT and you can break a sweat just walking into the garage a shower after the drive is just a way to stay very fresh and clean. You're welcome to join me, but my shower won't count against you. I'm not much of a clock watcher anyways.
cumalot's Avatar
I think you are over analyzing the situation. I would tell her sure she can take a shower as long as she lets you join her in the shower. That way you get to enjoy the time in the shower with her and won't feel she's eating up some of your time. Originally Posted by hobbyist1
hobbyist1 first of all down here in Texas especially Houston we have some of the finest providers there are, 9 out 10 are not clockwatchers and they all want to be as fresh as they can and the clients for the most part do as well. So for the people here who shower here they are not eating up your time they are only making your time a little more special. Thank God we have a limited number of clockwatchers here....ijs
shes prob booten up
The Motley Fool's Avatar
So... let her take a shower.

Starfish Trooper
the.namssa's Avatar
I am in agreement with pretty much everyone that has posted.

If she is outcall and wants to take a shower, it is fine with me, as long as the session does not begin until she is fresh and ready after the shower. If she wants someone to help scrub her back and to get some of the "hard to reach" places, I have no problem joining her in the shower.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Just my perspective, I think it is rude for anyone (client/provider) to not arrive "fresh" for an appointment. Okay, I get the hot and humid angle, but that's what air conditioning is for I live in a climate exactly the same as Houston. Never once have I asked to take a shower upon arriving-- took care of that before coming. Also, never once has a provider asked to take a shower if she is coming to me.
I would also have to agree that showers upon arrival are not a bad thing.. sometimes just a quick rinse to freshen up is never a bad thing.... however providers should be ready so it should not be anything more than a quick rinse unless you join in!

Just because you are ready does not mean you cant keep things interesting by joinin in or waiting with that towel...... sometimes we like help to dry off!

Let your imagination play with your body!

Bigh1955's Avatar
Shave time off BCD??? Hell, my SO can take two hours to get ready to go to the HyVee. LMAO! What BCD?!

Seriously, say thank you, then hope in with her...even if you're squeaky clean. You could always say you got so hot and bothered just thinking about her that you need another shower.