And try to emmigrate ti Sweden. Near impossible. They enforce border security. Originally Posted by WhirlawaySweden is being overrun with third world Muslim immigrants like most of Europe. Sweden has serious problems with Muslim crime especially rape.
So. If the Vikings had colonized the new world instead of the Spanish, would we be overrun with tall blonds mowing lawns and meatball stands on the corner in most Texas towns? Originally Posted by IaintlieinIf we were being overrun with hot blonde female illegal aliens. I might change to an open border policy overnight.
Sweden is tracking more and more conservative after learning some very hard lessons in Keynesian economics. They are coming back from where we are headed. It might do our leaders well to take a look at Sweden.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
this country is stuck in limbo because of Keynesian-trickle (piss) down (your leg) - bullshit economic policies and the pledge signing republicans are too stupid to understand it. Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJ7 does not understand much of anything. That should have been obvious by now. The Swedes are moving away from Keynesianism, because they have discovered it does not work. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Reagan raised the debt 189% and left Bush 1 a recessionThe debt increase under Reagan was not the result of lowering taxes. Reagan lowered the tax rates and DOUBLED THE REVENUE! COG was right about you; you obviously don't understand much of anything. George HW Bush did not inherit a recession from Reagan. He inherited a growing economy.
ring any bells? Originally Posted by CJ7