Obama's Former Prof Turns on Him for not Being Liberal Enough!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He's losing from both sides. Not a good sign for the statists.

joe bloe's Avatar
I think Obama welcomes attacks from the radical left. It makes him seem moderate by comparison. This way he can point to criticizm from the right and the left and claim to be in the middle. It's a variation on Clinton's Sister Souljah criticizm. This is Dick Morris triangulation. I wouldn't be surprised if Bill Ayers doesn't express his disappointment in how Obama has been governing from the center.

A lot of political propaganda is below the radar. The best sting operation is the one where the victim never knows he was cheated.
He's still better off than Barleybrains who misinforms his "students" (victims) and teaches them to spell and write at a 5th grade level.
does this make him a moderate?
joe bloe's Avatar
does this make him a moderate? Originally Posted by ekim008
It makes him less liberal than the liberal that says he's not liberal enough, at least in theory.