Andrea Mitchell Smears Romney with Deceptive Edit

joe bloe's Avatar
NBC "News" has been caught editing tapes again. This time they've edited a video tape of Romney to make him seem foolish. This edit makes Romney appear to be mystified by touchscreen techonology, similar to the way Bush 41 was supposedly amazed by a bar code scanner, also a fake story as it turns out.

Andrea Mitchell and everyone responsible for this phony story should be fired. NBC News has completely lost all credibility as a news source. They have become nothing but propaganists for Obama and his leftist agenda.

Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

From Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Nothing new. The media s in the bag for Obama.
They don't worry about the left controlling the press because they are the left.
joe bloe's Avatar
Democracy depends on the voter being informed so that he can cast an intelligent vote. If our news sources are completely compromised by leftist hacks, like Andrea Mitchell, it threatens our freedom. The people are being programmed with misinformation from main stream media and are voting based on propaganda.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-19-2012, 11:54 AM
Democracy depends on the voter being informed so that he can cast an intelligent vote. If our news sources are completely compromised by leftist hacks, like Andrea Mitchell, it threatens our freedom. The people are being programmed with misinformation from main stream media and are voting based on propaganda. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I hate Andrea Mitchell and especially her husband....that said you titty babies are getting old with this biased media crap. Turn on talk radio and listen to how many lefties are on, none. Get over the crying crap. There are plenty of ways to gets news. You sound like a idiotic Rush clone.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So it's ok for NBC to intentionally distort the news? Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed, Rush, Hannity, Colmes, Shultz, etc. are OPINION shows, not news shows. Andrea Mitchell intentionally distorted NEWS for a political purpose, to try to promote an incorrect picture of Romney. It is shameful and outrageous. She should be fired.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's not necessary for NBC to be deceptive. They should already know that anyone who watches NBC for the news has already been lobotomized.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-19-2012, 12:22 PM
So it's ok for NBC to intentionally distort the news? Oh, and in case you hadn't noticed, Rush, Hannity, Colmes, Shultz, etc. are OPINION shows, not news shows. Andrea Mitchell intentionally distorted NEWS for a political purpose, to try to promote an incorrect picture of Romney. It is shameful and outrageous. She should be fired. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It is MSNBC and Andrea Mitchell has her own OPINION show on it.

They all should be fired as far as I am concerened. Rush, Hannity, Colmes, Shultz are all shrills, cheerleaders. Getting your news from those idiots is like having Spiderman or Superman as your real life Hero.

Lastly we are all biased, if you think you aren't think you are not only biased you are an idiot in regards to understanding bias.
how long would Fox last if ANY, repeat ANY, of its shows, opinion, news, morning anything, did what NBC does. Not very long. Ailes would have everyones head anyway

the liberals biggest mistake in trying to deceive and re-make america into their idea of utopia was their failure to burn all the books when they had the chance around the time they took over the schools - pre fox, pre internet, pre talk radio
joe bloe's Avatar
how long would Fox last if ANY, repeat ANY, of its shows, opinion, news, morning anything, did what NBC does. Not very long. Ailes would have everyones head anyway

the liberals biggest mistake in trying to deceive and re-make america into their idea of utopia was their failure to burn all the books when they had the chance around the time they took over the schools - pre fox, pre internet, pre talk radio Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Someone once yelled out to Harry Truman "Give'm Hell Harry!" Truman responded, "I don't give'm Hell, I just tell the truth, and it feels like Hell."

Fox News is accused of conservative bias by liberals. What Fox News delivers, more often than not, is fair and balanced news coverage. Liberals are so used to leftist bias in the media, that when they hear balanced coverage, it sounds like right wing bias to them.

Fox News tells the truth, and it feels like Hell to liberals.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-19-2012, 01:18 PM
Beerfart complains about edititing tapes ?

oh the irony
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is MSNBC and Andrea Mitchell has her own OPINION show on it.

They all should be fired as far as I am concerened. Rush, Hannity, Colmes, Shultz are all shrills, cheerleaders. Getting your news from those idiots is like having Spiderman or Superman as your real life Hero.

Lastly we are all biased, if you think you aren't think you are not only biased you are an idiot in regards to understanding bias. Originally Posted by WTF
So then it is ok for NBC to distort the news for political gain. Thanks for playing.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Nobody with a brain watches NBC anyway. Only people who watch are those on the lobotomized left and old farts flirting with Alzheimers. The best news source is not Fox. I'll be honest, it is probably Drudge or Breitbart. I watch Fox. For the most part, their opinion shows are in the bag for the GOP, but they don't hide that unlike NBC, MSNBC and others on the MSM. As for hard news, I think Fox plays it straight and the stats tend to show that. They only seem to tilt to the right in hard news b/c everyone else in the MSM is blatantly liberal.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-19-2012, 01:27 PM
Nobody with a brain watches NBC anyway. Only people who watch are those on the lobotomized left and old farts flirting with Alzheimers. The best news source is not Fox. I'll be honest, it is probably Drudge or Breitbart. I watch Fox. For the most part, their opinion shows are in the bag for the GOP, but they don't hide that unlike NBC, MSNBC and others on the MSM. As for hard news, I think Fox plays it straight and the stats tend to show that. They only seem to tilt to the right in hard news b/c everyone else in the MSM is blatantly liberal. Originally Posted by Cpalmson

you admit Fox is in the GOP bag

thanks for a unbiased opinion
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-19-2012, 01:35 PM
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-19-2012, 01:38 PM
how long would Fox last if ANY, repeat ANY, of its shows, opinion, news, morning anything, did what NBC does. Not very long. Ailes would have everyones head anyway Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Earth to nevergaveitathought. Hello! Anybody home?