If anyone needs a moving service. Great guys and professional!!!!!!

If anyone needs a mover I have the number of a guy and he is awesome. He carried my loveseat up the stairs to my apartment by himself. He is very nice and professional and this is what him and another guy does for a living. It is so much better to have someone do it that knows what they are doing then get someone over and they get hurt. He is supper nice and if anyone needs the phone number just let me know. I am using him tomorrow also when I get my bedroom furniture. Take care and have a wonderful weekend. Hugs and Kisses TP*
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Quote: I am using him tomorrow also when I get my bedroom furniture.

Lucky dude!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I know a family that will be moving in January. A husband, wife, and two daughters. Oh yes, lots of baggage.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
What is this horseshit?

. . . The damn Craigslist?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Non hobby related postings like the man says.
Excuse me guys thought someone maybe glad to have a mover numbers that can do a great job and dont rip you off or break your stuff. There are some girls and guys that dont have anyone to call or ask for help and I am one of them and it nice to have a service you can call. So I am sorry you didnt like this thread but I guess it would have been better for me to get on here and say hey can some men take time out of their day and come and help me. I guess if it was a drama thread it would have been better too. Have a good weekend and sorry you felt you had to express yourself for your thoughts.
pyramider's Avatar
We will be expecting a review TP.