President Obama and Telling The Truth

I haven't got a copy yet, but from what the reviews say, David Maraniss' new book about The President protray him as a serial embelisher of the truth.

Now, up untill a few days ago, I had never heard of David Maraniss.

He documents example after example of where, in years past, The President engaged in a life filled with half truths, emelishments, and out and out lies.

He lied about the story of his Cancer Stricken Mother. He lied about his association with Rev Wright and Bill Ayers. He lied about his being amamber of the socialist New Party.

He lied, or embelished, all of the stories concerning his Grandfather, his Paternal Grandfather, and his StepGrandfather's involvment in WW-2 and Liberation Movements.

The story of the black friend and the basketball racism is simply false. The white girlfriend story has been repudiated by the woman herself.

I would think any other President who engaged in such literary falshoods would be called out by the Media. For some reason, it has yet to happen.

The myths of the Obama biography is that he was a man who struggled with adversity his entire life but proved himself better than the society that spawned him.

One pattern seems to fit at all times. When things went wrong for the young Barack, the truth was bent to show it was never his fault. As Barry Obama, he had the right stuff to be a starter on his schools basketball team, but was denied by the smallness and racial bent of his coaches thinking. And now, the older Barack Obama, who is now President, knows he has the right stuff, but voters, Republicans, and even other Nations are too small and ignorant to recognize his true greatness.

The truth, in his mind, should have nothing to do with it.

:Notes and Quotes taken from Jonah Goldberg's editorial in the Houston Chronicle.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-23-2012, 08:49 AM
:Notes and Quotes taken from Jonah Goldberg's editorial in the Houston Chronicle. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Do you have anything in that pile of nonsense?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-23-2012, 08:56 AM
That piece of shit is incapable of telling the truth. He lies every fucking time he opens his mouth, and his lips move...!!!!!!!!!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-23-2012, 09:02 AM
That piece of shit is incapable of telling the truth. He lies every fucking time he opens his mouth, and his lips move...!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by seedman55
It's becoming clear that the only redeeming value in your posts is in being able to catch a glimpse of your avatar.
That piece of shit is incapable of telling the truth. He lies every fucking time he opens his mouth, and his lips move...!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by seedman55

Hey lighten up he is a politician they all do it,some are called on it some aren't LOL
rodog44's Avatar
Doofus,why do you assume it is a pile of nonsense. Have you done any research on any of the subjects?
joe bloe's Avatar
Maraniss' book has more impact, because he's a liberal Democrat, who probably voted for Obama. If the same book had been written by a conservative, it wouldn't be getting the same attention. Main stream media can't dismiss the book as a politically motivated hatchet job; however, I doubt that they will give it the attention it deserves.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Truth does not matter to the Left.
joe bloe's Avatar
Truth does not matter to the Left. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Does sunlight matter to a vampire? Only to the extent, that it must be avoided!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-23-2012, 11:42 AM
Doofus,why do you assume it is a pile of nonsense. Have you done any research on any of the subjects? Originally Posted by rodog44
Enough to know that the stories about Obama's lies are filled with.....half truths, embellishments, and lies of their own.
Doove, the reason I attributed much of the post to the Chronicle's Editorial Writer is becauase 90 percent of the information came from this mornings editoral page.

I suppose it would have been asking too much for a civil response to a major New Outlets Editorial Writing.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-23-2012, 01:25 PM
I really dont care that much about this book either way

what Iam interested in are the book/s about the Iraq invasion and occupation ... that will weigh heavier on History than anything Obie has or will ever do
Truth does not matter to the Left. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

or the right
joe bloe's Avatar
or the right Originally Posted by ekim008
Only the independents are noble and virtuous, perfect in every way! If only we were all independents like ekim, the world would be a paradise.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-23-2012, 02:22 PM
I suppose it would have been asking too much for a civil response to a major New Outlets Editorial Writing. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jonah Goldberg is about as credible as IB Hankering.