Here is another self-made GOP man

Munchmasterman's Avatar
In just 3 terms he gets on the ways and means committee and is in charge of republican fund raising.
Now we know why.
And using cog's razor sharp logic, his strange lack of the understanding by a lawyer of the American legal system and the Constitution it is based on and a total disregard for American jurisprudence espoused by him, we have a guy who is innocent because there are others who have committed crimes. I mean, how can we talk about someone else when the President admitted to a crime for which he was never charged and that the statue of limitations has expired on? Of course cog would get it wrong when he arbitrarily included distribution but it wouldn’t be cog if there wasn’t a glaring factual error in there some place. To cog he is guilty and issa is self-made and his CONVICTION means nothing.
As self-made as this guy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As long as I am living rent free in your head, could you at least clear out the plumbing in here? The toilet is backed up from all the shit that was here when I got here.