Schrodinger's Candidate

BigLouie's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
Physics humor! If ever there was a case of being two different things simultaneously, Obama wins that award. He black, he's white. He's Muslim, he's Christian. He's Indonesian, he's American. He supports single payer health care, he's never supported singler payer. He's going to close Gitmo, he's not going to close Gitmo. He loves America, he hates America.... wait a minute, I can't make a duality argument on that one; he hates America. That's the one thing that's clear
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Still reading comic books biglouie?
BigLouie's Avatar
Still reading comic books biglouie? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Just something I came across while waiting for Italia to get ready. Thanks for letting up use the penthouse your holiness.