profile pic

How do I put up a pic?? I see everyone with cool and sexy pics, I wanna put one on my profile... Help a broth a out please!!! :-)
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
Marcus78's Avatar
If you mean an avatar picture, than go to "User CP" which is under "Main Menu" on the left side of the page. (It's the first choice under "Main Menu." After clicking on "User CP" you'll be taken to another page. On the left-hand side, about 5 or 6 options down, you will see "Edit Avatar." Click on that, and upload away! Be sure to stay within the size requirements otherwise .gif images (the pictures that move, like my avatar) won't be animated.
foxyred73's Avatar
go into your prvt email under your hand on te side is all info
Thank u all for the info!!! Heeeere we go!!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Nice avatar SeeMore Plus Butts! I diggit!



Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Love the avatar
Jed Clampett's Avatar
Nice avatar SeeMore. I think I will try to get my avatar up soon.