Phone Crashed

Hey everyone, just wanted to let everyone know my phone crashed and i lost all my numbers. I am sorry for any inconcience and for having to ask 50 questions again. So to make easier if you call or text me please tell me you name handle and if we met before, as for refrences i will do my best to help give them but unless you see me often i might not remember you and i am sorry! Also , i am using a dinasour phone lol untill i can get my new one so sorry if it takes me a min to respond to text!! Thank you for your understanding and bearing with me during this!!! Have a great weekend, have fun and be safe!!!!

levi tab's Avatar
You should not let your phone drive...ever again...
You are to funny Levi
SofaKingFun's Avatar
That sucks, Liz. Sorry for your misfortune.

I'm the worlds worst with cell-phones.

I actually have a little cell-phone graveyard
in my back yard.

I shit you not.




levi tab's Avatar
That sucks, Liz. Sorry for your misfortune.

I'm the worlds worst with cell-phones.

I actually have a little cell-phone graveyard
in my back yard.

I shit you not.




Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Do you use the batteries as a headstone?
Doc_rob's Avatar
Hey there Liz - there is a way to transfer the numbers on your phone to your PC. You will have to get with your service provider and copy the numbers and contact info to your PC then on to a flash drive.