Ironies of Life

Fast Gunn's Avatar
What are some of the most profound ironies of life that you have seen?

For example, I just recently learned that President Obama voted against affirming Justice John Roberts back when Obama was a Senator and the vote came up to appoint Justice Roberts to the Supreme Court.

Now, it turns out that Chief Justice John Roberts who was appointed by George Bush in point of fact, was the swing vote that saved The Affordable Health Care Law that saved President Obama's bacon.

. . . I imagine that President Obama is doing some soul searching right about now on how life works so mysteriously!

Quite the irony, isn't it?
  • Laz
  • 06-30-2012, 04:52 PM
That was just Obama being a partisan democrat. He now complains and criticizes the republicans for following his example.
That demtards keep telling me 2 + 2 = 5....ijs
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I imagine the reasons Chief Justice John Roberts voted for the Affordable Health Care Act are probably more profound than we in the public really know.

Recent polls show that the public approval of the Supreme Court has been sliding down ever since the Bush Vs Gore decision.

Maybe the Chief Justice wants to reverse that trend.

Maybe he wants the world to know that he is in fact the Chief Justice.

. . . Then again, maybe he just agrees with the President, like I do that this country needs to upgrade its standard of living and provide Affordable Health Care!

Quite the irony, isn't it? Originally Posted by bigtex
I imagine the reasons Chief Justice John Roberts voted for the Affordable Health Care Act are probably more profound than we in the public really know.

Recent polls show that the public approval of the Supreme Court has been sliding down ever since the Bush Vs Gore decision.

Maybe the Chief Justice wants to reverse that trend.

Maybe he wants the world to know that he is in fact the Chief Justice.

. . . Then again, maybe he just agrees with the President, like I do that this country needs to upgrade its standard of living and provide Affordable Health Care!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You are a wealthy man. What the fuck do you care about afforable healthcare. You just want to FEEL good about yourself. SO FUCK OFF...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And Judge Forrester, who signed the injunction against indefinite detention in the NDAA was an Obama appointee.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
There is no stigma in being wealthy unless you embezzled or outright stole it.

Wealth corrupts your soul only when money is your sole and primary focus in life.

I was in fact born in abject poverty and total ignorance.

I would say that most people who are really wealthy today were just born into it, but when that happens than you don't really appreciate it.

When you can rise above poverty and ignorance and somehow manage to build a fortune by hard work and wise investing without cheating or stealing then you have developed as a man should.

. . . There is certainly no shame in that accomplishment, but you do have to deal with jealousy and hatred.

cptjohnstone's Avatar

I was in fact born in total ignorance.


Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
you said it, I didn't
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You know, CptJ, I left FastGoon's last post alone. It was like he was pitching a high hanging curve ball to Grandyman. The difference is, that once the ball finally lands deep in the center field seats, FastGoon still insists it was a strike.

Man, he makes me laugh! So Obamatized!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-01-2012, 07:31 AM
What are some of the most profound ironies of life that you have seen?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Yes Obama/Roberts, is very ironic.

In this little world, I found it ironic that you got on to me for calling out Lauren Summerhill with the truth and then you up and quit her little board because they/she would not let you express your version of the truth! Proving what a hypocrite that bitch was. Exactly WTF I had been saying all these years!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I don't know why you keep obsessing with Lauren Summerhill.

As far as I can tell she is a very nice and decent human being.

Based on your constantly negative posts, it is obvious that you are the total opposite of her sweet nature.

. . . It is really you who is the bitch, isn't it? You probably hate being you so much that you take that negativity out on everyone, don't you?


As for the other remark, about my having been born in poverty and ignorance, that much is true, but that are just the cards I was dealt back then.

. . . However, what matters now is that I sure as hell did not stay there!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-01-2012, 08:49 AM
You asked about '' ironies of life'', I responded with one that pretains to this very board.
Why don't you address my point instead of my character. It appeared to me you quit her board because you did not like their rules of fake politeness, yet you get on to me for not being fake polite. Is that not irony?

What are some of the most profound ironies of life that you have seen?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
btw she is a lying two face bitch.

combination of Narcissist Personality Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder. But I degress...

This is about irony. You are trying to trick me into making this about Lauren Summerhill. I will not fall for such trickery!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't know why you keep obsessing with Lauren Summerhill.

As far as I can tell she is a very nice and decent human being.

Based on your constantly negative posts, it is obvious that you are the total opposite of her sweet nature.

. . . It is really you who is the bitch, isn't it? You probably hate being you so much that you take that negativity out on everyone, don't you?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Well, FastGoon, you got another one right. And wasn't it WTF who made the thread about Lauren Summerhill?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-01-2012, 12:22 PM
Well, FastGoon, you got another one right. And wasn't it WTF who made the thread about Lauren Summerhill? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
it was about irony, not hypocrites! The irony was that FG quit a board because he did not like being told how to post. Same thing he tries to do with me.