Human Conflict

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Is Human Conflict the only way that humans can ever interact?

Is this our eternal destiny?

As a youth, I thought it was only because I was little and did not understand the rules.

As I grew and learned more of how the world operates, the situation still remain the same. It actually became worse the more clearly I could see the big picture and that seems to be the case the world over.

In the cinema, conflict is what makes the show interesting, but why is it like that in real life?

Why is there so much war, fighting and hatred?

Are humans just an essentially insane species determined to cause their own extinction with escalating violence and more lethal warfare with each generation?

Personally, I honestly prefer things to be smooth and harmonious, but have learned that to deal successfully in this world, good intentions won't get you there. There are bad people you must deal with who will not respond to reason.

. . . To survive, you need to have a fast gunn and deadly aim, but will humans ever learn to work peacefully?

B.Wayne's Avatar
I think the problem is that it's much more easier for alot of people to be meaner or bring forth conflict than it is to work towards being peacful. Because being peacful requires a little work and tolerance. Some see tolerance as a sign of weakness. Now days more than ever it seems if you give someone an inch they take two miles in some situations.

In cinema, the confict is brought out in order to pull the audiance in the story. In real life there are real consequences. I usually prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Some people it seems, HAVE to get into conflict. I don't know why. I prefer to be laid back and don't let alot of things get to me. Throughout history humans have shown an almost insatiable need to conquer or control what they do not have or want. News flash: It's never going to happen. There will always be something else that comes along that cannot be controlled. Add some greed to the mix and it's based on material objects or percieved power. People just need to stop for a second and just look up at the sky and listen to birds sing once and awhile. I could go on and on but...

Riddle me this, We find the problem but often never find the solution. Why is that?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
It would appear from the lack of responses to this thread that not that many people are really interested in the deeper subjects of life.

That attitude in itself could be a pointer to the solution to this worldwide problem.

I believe it was Albert Einstein who once stated that no problem could be solved from the same level at which it was created.

To me that means that perhaps humans are still too primitive to rise above violence, but that is precisely what is needed.

. . . To a confirmed optimist, that hope certainly seems pessimistic based on our historical penchant for violence, but it seems to me that the entire human race needs to change very soon before we drive ourselves into extinction!

cumalot's Avatar
Cinema conflict is only a reflection of real life and it is only written and directed by those inspired to show realisom. Conflict is only one interaction as there are many to choose from. Disparity, peace and love are also in the realm of interactions by humans..So no, conflict is not the only way that humans interact.

The reason for so much war, fighting and hatred is an inherited trait that has been passed down from beginning of time, survival of the fittest. A mindset that we are the only ones who are right and the rest are wrong rests on the shoulders of the arrogant and the self-righteous bigots of the world.

"I believe it was Albert Einstein who once stated that no problem could be solved from the same level at which it was created." Is a statement that Einstein himself and others could construe as meaning end it with a bigger gun or a bigger bomb, or it could mean end it with more compassion and caring than the other person. I agree violence is a prelude to all that is wrong with this world.
whitechocolate's Avatar
we start out with the Id which are basic survival instincts and socialization is then needed which unfortunately is never achieved in many or most people. Just look at the animal kingdom. And then throw in mental illness, drugs, alcohol and greed for money and combinations of the above.
Dude, this is a perfect post...just the other day, I was thincking...should I post this?


Just today, I had to hold HIS rude ass at bay as not to fuck up a meet with a most gorgeous, beautifully enriched and diverse BLACK female...she makes Alicia Keys look like, well, shit!

This is not just about battles, it's a WAR...and my DICK is determined to win. I need help...He's BIG and STRONG and HIS Lust factor well outways my Intelligence factor (and, I'm extremely intelligent...)...

Great post! Yep
Fast Gunn's Avatar
As always, mijo, you're always in character.

. . . You're always fucking insane!

soxfan's Avatar
Lmao mijo!! Spit wine on my computer damnit
It has everything to do with one's ego.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You have hit on one of the major root causes of the problem, Shayla.

However, I would say that most people do not even really know what exactly the ego is, much less than it's a problem.

Well, it is a problem and it's a huge problem that most people do not even recognize as such.

In my own youth, I would think that having a big ego was a really cool thing because all the tough guys in school and all the leading men on the big screen all seemed to have big egos. They still do for that matter, but developing more clarity and maturity, I see that now as only a serious liability.

. . . I think that is about where most of humanity is now, not really knowing, but nevertheless thinking having big egos is a really cool thing.

It has everything to do with one's ego. Originally Posted by Shayla
We are all animals, uncaged. What else would you expect?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well personally, I do not believe that, but I will agree that there is certainly plenty of evidence to the contrary.

Of course, I also believe that we all do have often very strong animal urges that sometimes drive us, especially in our teenage years, but the objective of life as I see it, is to grow beyond those urges.

Sadly, most people do not get there and most do not even realize that there is a "there" to get to.

As to what I expect, I expect people to evolve past where they are controlled by their basic urges and learn to be guided by their higher selves instead

. . . and to accomplish this transformation, they must learn to completely dissolve their egos.

We are all animals, uncaged. What else would you expect? Originally Posted by kymberlane
Cpalmson's Avatar
Want to know the answer to your question? Go read the Bible. The answer is simple. Man is tainted. Contrary to popular belief, man's true nature is to be morally corrupt and not morally pure. Strip out all the religious tones from the Bible, the psychological emphasis is clear. One verse clearly states this fact-- "For all have sinned." This means all people are imperfect, motivated by self interest and are driven by means other than good.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Want to know the answer to your question? Go read the Bible. The answer is simple. Man is tainted. Contrary to popular belief, man's true nature is to be morally corrupt and not morally pure. Strip out all the religious tones from the Bible, the psychological emphasis is clear. One verse clearly states this fact-- "For all have sinned." This means all people are imperfect, motivated by self interest and are driven by means other than good. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Thank you. You could not have posted a better response than this. I could not agree more.
That is our overcome self. To elevate our thinking. That is the difference between a saint and a sinner. One having the mind of god the other the mind of man. The simple instruction ... "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." or "Love thy neighbor as thyself." I sincerely try to live like that...but being human I am far from perfect in my adherence and have fallen short of the goal.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Thanks for your responses, but I believe the answer lies beyond religion and I'd rather not go in that direction.

I have nothing against the Bible, but I don't believe you will find the answers to man's problems there.

. . . Religions of one stripe or another have begun more wars than Hitler!