Crazy Repuke Stuff No. 7

We should get rid of all these people that build our houses and do almost all of our construction work, mow our lawns, clean our houses, pick our fruits and vegetables and do all the rest of our jobs that our kids don't want to do.

The lazy fuckers. Working their asses off for less than minimum wage so our American contractors can maximize their profits. Cleaning our houses, mowing our lawns since our lazy-ass teenagers won't. They should all be arrested....imagine that they would have the gall to come to our country thinking that they could build a better life for themselves and their families. The dirty fuckers. The hell with that shit that it says on the Statue of Liberty about poor and huddled masses.

Fuck all of you repukes.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why is it a bad thing to enforce the law? If you want wide open borders, change the law. Until then, the law should be enforced, shouldn't it?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
We should get rid of all these people that build our houses and do almost all of our construction work, mow our lawns, clean our houses, pick our fruits and vegetables and do all the rest of our jobs that our kids don't want to do.

The lazy fuckers. Working their asses off for less than minimum wage so our American contractors can maximize their profits. Cleaning our houses, mowing our lawns since our lazy-ass teenagers won't. They should all be arrested....imagine that they would have the gall to come to our country thinking that they could build a better life for themselves and their families. The dirty fuckers. The hell with that shit that it says on the Statue of Liberty about poor and huddled masses.

Fuck all of you repukes. Originally Posted by timpage
Tinpage I want to also add that Republicans believe in protecting the constitution but when Bush introduced the Patriot Act and blieved that the Govt can wiretap and eavedrop on any American citizen whch is a clear violation of the constitution it's ok because it's being done by a Republican President. also when the SCOTUS makes a decision as they are designed to do- it's an outrage if the decision goes against the Republian values.

Now sit back and imagine if Obamacare was struck down by the SCOTUS- if Obama went on TV and said that I am going to fight this battle/decision you would have people like Eric Cantor- Boehener- all the right wng nut like Hannity, Rush and Beck all blasting the President by saying he needs to respect the courts decision blah blah blah- Republicans are fucking frauds and sore losers.
Yea Timmy, fuck your unions. Lets hire the wets and save least they can't retire after 20 years, sit back and watch me work. for 45 years...fucker
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WE, you are right about the Republicans supporting the Patriot Act and the unlawful wiretapping. Unfortunately, they still support it even though it is a Democrat President doing the same thing, and in some cases worse. Democrats and Republicans seem only to be able to agree on one thing, taking liberty away from the people. Even Romney is in on the act, he supports the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA.

It was wrong when Bush did it. It is still wrong with Obama continuing it.
Yea Timmy, fuck your unions. Lets hire the wets and save least they can't retire after 20 years, sit back and watch me work. for 45 years...fucker Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Fucking moron. None of them belong to unions. They come here and work for shit wages so they can support their families.
WE, you are right about the Republicans supporting the Patriot Act and the unlawful wiretapping. Unfortunately, they still support it even though it is a Democrat President doing the same thing, and in some cases worse. Democrats and Republicans seem only to be able to agree on one thing, taking liberty away from the people. Even Romney is in on the act, he supports the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA.

It was wrong when Bush did it. It is still wrong with Obama continuing it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG, you on crack tonight? Your post has shit to do with what I'm talking about. Get focused.
I'm not a republican, but I have not heard one single Republican that is not for legal immigration, but every American should be against people that break our immigration laws. If I remember correctly it was a Democrat candidate running for office that promised to reform our immigration laws, but did nothing?

There is a bleeding heart case to be made, but the fact is that if they were not here illegally, all of the above would still get done by Americans at a higher price on the front end, but with a much higher savings on the back end when we no longer had to give entitlements to them for sitting on the couch all day.

But much like the social workers stripping babies from parents and doing what the government has determined is in the best interest of our children, when the first immigrant gets caught carrying nuclear material accross the border for the terrorist, you will start to care much more about upholding our current laws and border security than them picking our brocolli or framing a house.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Timmy. I was responding to WE. Pay attention please, and try to not post about things forbidden on here. Thank you.
Oh, right. I'm sure the admins will call me on your prescription need for crack. Good for you for pointing it out since you clearly cant deal with my arguments.
Fucking moron. None of them belong to unions. They come here and work for shit wages so they can support their families. Originally Posted by timpage
Thank God they don't belong to unions. We would pay $20.00 for a gallon of milk...LOL

I have a El Salvadorian friend living with me. He just got a job working at a company that delivers food to Mcd's. He's currentling working for Coca Cola. He's got a green card. Making a nice wage. If Union fucks had that job i doubt I would pay $1.00 for that sweet tea. More like $2.29.

Big Mouth Lance Armstrong shot his mouth off about cigerette taxes a month ago. So i quit. I hope millions did too. I am sure they did. Odouches piggy bank shrunk down big time...Fucking moron Timmy...
I think Timmy's just scared that all the little male Mexican prostitutes will have to go back home and no more sucky sucky for him.