The truth about health care

It may be uncomfortable, but there is some comparative data on US health care.

I look forward to a response from the republicans. Either criticise the research, or argue why such a poor system is acceptable (e.g. the god 'constitution' deems it to be so, fuck everybody who can't afford it).

Of the 10 countries, US is worst on infant mortality, life expectancy, expenditure per capita, costs as % of gdp. Data from 2009.

From 2000 report

US is 37th on overall health performance, 72nd on level of health,

My analysis of table 2 puts US 42nd rank on probability of males dying between 15 and 59.

Table 5 on life expectancy puts US at 24th (and UK at 14th - could do better).

Table 8 has expenditure for US as 13.7% of GDP, $4187 per capita (WOW!!!). In comparison UK per capita is $1303, switzerland $3564, sweden $2456, germany $2713. UK lags behind other major european countries, at least in 1999.
Nice try. We have had this discussion before. Those are statistics on health...not healthcare.

US citizens have access to the world's best hospitals, the best doctors, the most technologiclly advanced medicine, procedures, pharmacuticals......we have the best healthcare education/research infrastructure in the world....that is healthcare.

ObamaCareTax will destory healthcare in the US....and not improve the health of it's citizens.

You are fooling yourself if you think Obamacare will move the US rankings; Did you not learn anything from our War on Poverty ?
Nice try. We have had this discussion before. Those are statistics on health...not healthcare.

US citizens have access to the best hospitals, the best doctors, the most technologiclly advanced medicine, procedures, pharmacuticals......that is healthcare. ObamaCareTax will destory healthcare in the US....and not improve the health of it's citizens. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That is all fantasy, you are an ignorant fascist cunt, you want to murder hundreds of thousands of your fellow citizens, you are the anti christ, fuck you.
HA............your a funny one a misleading Wikipedia link (funny); ask for responses, then blow your gasket.
So give me a single piece of evidence for your fantasies and delusions, girlwhirly/dipsywhipsy.

It's about time the gloves came off and you fascist pigs were shown the slaughterhouse of your policies.
Pick a disease, any disease. Search out the best global hospitals/treatment facilities for that disease. You will see that the US leads in the major areas of diseases.

Also, search for waiting lists for popular surgieries like organ transplants, hip replacements, etc....the US leads the list in the lowest wait times.

Also, research the top education countries for medicine and other healthcare specialties. The US leads......the US leads.....everyone else follows.

But don't worry; Obamacare will reverse those trends.
Pick a disease, any disease. Search out the best global hospitals/treatment facilities for that disease. You will see that the US leads in the major areas of diseases.

For those who can afford it

Also, search for waiting lists for popular surgieries like organ transplants, hip replacements, etc....the US leads the list in the lowest wait times.

For those who can afford it

Also, research the top education countries for medicine and other healthcare specialties. The US leads......the US leads.....everyone else follows.

evidence please, the medical research council does pretty good work, for example

But don't worry; Obamacare will reverse those trends. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The problem is you are fed these lies, and you do not have the imagination or self respect or inquisitiveness or independence of thought to challenge the lies being fed to you.

The US health care system is crap, as shown by many studies, and all you can do is show how great it is for a smallish part of your population.

Complete BS and lies.
I know that Canadians come to the US to get their health services. I know that when George Harrison was dying of cancer; he came to the US.

I know that if I need treatment for colon cancer, burns, leporsy, or eboli, I would prefer to be in Houston or Dallas than Cypress which outranks the US according to your bullshit report.

You are trying to mislead us; the mortality/health issue rankings have more to do with individual lifestyle choices and very little to do with healthcare services. But I don't expect you to understand those differences. Your a dumbed down liberal.
"For Those Who Can Afford It" is a phony class warfare arguement.
Again, you are an ignoramus.

Here is a list of the top 10 medical schools in the world. The US has 6 of them; the rest of the world has 4.

I suspect that if the list was expanded to include the top 50 educational faciliteis the US would fare equally well, or better. Note that not one of the top medical schools is in your list of top 5 countries !

Isn't this a great country !

It begs the question; why are you so anti American.
I know that Canadians come to the US to get their health services.

Those who can afford it.

I know that when George Harrison was dying of cancer; he came to the US.

A single case proves absolutely nothing.

I know that if I need treatment for colon cancer, burns, leporsy, or eboli, I would prefer to be in Houston or Dallas than Cypress which outranks the US according to your bullshit report.

Again, you completely miss the point. Plus what about preventative care?

Tell me how the report is incorrect, don;t just prod with anecdotes.

You are trying to mislead us; the mortality/health issue rankings have more to do with individual lifestyle choices and very little to do with healthcare services.

So care of health is nothing to do with health care? You could not make this bs up, I really can;t believe that a sentient human being could utter such rubbish

But I don't expect you to understand those differences. Your a dumbed down liberal.

OK that explains everything, no need to debate the facts and statistics. I was really hoping that the retards would have some evidence to argue with.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Again, you are an ignoramus.

Here is a list of the top 10 medical schools in the world. The US has 6 of them; the rest of the world has 4.

I suspect that if the list was expanded to include the top 50 educational faciliteis the US would fare equally well.

Isn't this a great country !

It begs the question; why are you so anti American. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Again, you don;t understand the question. I have no doubt the US has some of the best schools and hospitals in the world. That is not the issue.

I am not anti american, I am pro american, and anti fascists. All the americans I meet and work with are of the same opinion as mine. Some of the rest are open minded enough to look at the figures.

The rest, well, fuck them.
Lifestyle choices effect medical outcomes/mortality more than any other factor. For you to deny that speaks to your stupidity.
You haven't asked a question moron.........

In fact, in this thread I am the ONLY one who asked a question (of you). Didn't you learn anything from our failed "War on Poverty"?

Again, you don;t understand the question. . Originally Posted by essence
ps nice to see how UK schools have three in the top ten, including my alma mater Cambridge.

How does that work out given the respective populations?

[OK, that is a worthless cheap debating jibe].

My first education was spent at Princeton and Stanford.

No, CoG, I was only 5 years old, but they were still my first primary schools.

I still miss my tricycle with which I used to go through the snow to school in winter in Princeton.