When Barack Obama took office this country had 44 planes set up to fight forest fires most of them private. The non union shop maintained their planes in Washington state when the Obama administration refused to sign an extension of a long term contract. So as of last week the country had 8 aircraft to fight fires. One crashed yesterday and now there are none as they have all been grounded. They expect to have them flying again in a few days to a few weeks but fire fighters on the ground now need their help. Imagine one plane crashing in World War II so they ground ALL of the planes until they have been inspected.
Obama's administration finally got around to signing the new contract but since the planes have been retasked it will take some months before the tanker fleet is ready for action.
For some idiots reading this; I am NOT saying that Obama caused the forest fires but I am saying that his actions reduced the effectiveness of the response because of politics.