and then there were seven...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
When Barack Obama took office this country had 44 planes set up to fight forest fires most of them private. The non union shop maintained their planes in Washington state when the Obama administration refused to sign an extension of a long term contract. So as of last week the country had 8 aircraft to fight fires. One crashed yesterday and now there are none as they have all been grounded. They expect to have them flying again in a few days to a few weeks but fire fighters on the ground now need their help. Imagine one plane crashing in World War II so they ground ALL of the planes until they have been inspected.

Obama's administration finally got around to signing the new contract but since the planes have been retasked it will take some months before the tanker fleet is ready for action.

For some idiots reading this; I am NOT saying that Obama caused the forest fires but I am saying that his actions reduced the effectiveness of the response because of politics.

Kinda like shutting down deep water drilling because a company known for cutting corners and getting people killed cut some corners and got people killed.

Tell me, was Colorado going to go Blue or Red?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Kinda like shutting down deep water drilling because a company known for cutting corners and getting people killed cut some corners and got people killed.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Tell me, was Colorado going to go Blue or Red?
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
It might depend on whether Odumbo, et al, call it "Colorado" or "Wyoming".
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-03-2012, 04:24 PM
kinda like the Air Force and the National Guard takes up the slack
Stupidity doesn't discriminate Democrats or Republicans. Rick Perry cut the budget for fire fighters in Texas and when Texas was burning he was campaigning. Like I said, the only difference between a Democrat and a Republican is the letter next to their name.
kinda like the Air Force and the National Guard takes up the slack Originally Posted by CJ7
Just one problem with that approach. The Air Farce and the ANG don't have the airplanes or the training to do the firefighting waterbombing job. What airplanes the Air Farce and the ANG do have are already fully tasked in the sandbox.
Maybe Ocrumy thinks he will create jobs if he lets this country burn...
When Barack Obama took office this country had 44 planes set up to fight forest fires most of them private. The non union shop maintained their planes in Washington state when the Obama administration refused to sign an extension of a long term contract. So as of last week the country had 8 aircraft to fight fires. One crashed yesterday and now there are none as they have all been grounded. They expect to have them flying again in a few days to a few weeks but fire fighters on the ground now need their help. Imagine one plane crashing in World War II so they ground ALL of the planes until they have been inspected.

Obama's administration finally got around to signing the new contract but since the planes have been retasked it will take some months before the tanker fleet is ready for action.

For some idiots reading this; I am NOT saying that Obama caused the forest fires but I am saying that his actions reduced the effectiveness of the response because of politics.

44---8----7----0 Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You are aware it was a N G plane that crashed didn't you?
Cpalmson's Avatar
Umm, that was 1 of 8 (now 7) Air National Guard airplanes that crashed. Asking the military to do a civie job is just plain dumb. The only reason they do it is b/c of Democratic idiots like the governor of LA and Mayor of New Orleans during Katrina. BTW, why is it that states with Democratic leadership always seem caught off guard when a natural disaster strikes? Every year Florida gets hit with a hurricane or 2, but the state does a fine job w/out the need of the feds to step in. During the Gulf Oil Spill, Jindal wanted to take action but the Moron-in-Chief prevented Louisiana from taking pro-active steps. Liberal Democrats lack a certain quality we expect from an elected official-- that quality would be leadership.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ekim, dear, gentle, misguided soul that you are, I went back and looked at what I wrote and nowhere did I say that the plane was not a national guard plane. I was talking about a civilian outfit that had their own aircraft. We (the US) have only the eight planes...excuse me, seven planes to fight fires.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-04-2012, 03:00 AM
Just one problem with that approach. The Air Farce and the ANG don't have the airplanes or the training to do the firefighting waterbombing job. What airplanes the Air Farce and the ANG do have are already fully tasked in the sandbox. Originally Posted by Sidewinder

sure they do

read the paper about the AF plane that crshed fighting a fire last week
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-04-2012, 03:06 AM
Ekim, dear, gentle, misguided soul that you are, I went back and looked at what I wrote and nowhere did I say that the plane was not a national guard plane. I was talking about a civilian outfit that had their own aircraft. We (the US) have only the eight planes...excuse me, seven planes to fight fires. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Just asking, seeing you whine about everything.