Nonsexual activity that got you or your date hot?

Satyrrical's Avatar
A few years ago, I took a new girlfriend shooting one day at a public range, just a few pistols, her first experience with firearms. Next thing I know, she is practically raping me in the lane. I got blow job on the drive home, and we had sex for the first time (just inside the door) that night. I never considered the activity any sort of turn on, it is (was) just a hobby. Now I smile at target practice on occasion in remembrance.

So, on a date, have you ever partipated in an activity (not overtly sexual) with your date, that seemed to increase the sexual interest of either of you when there was no such spark previously?
DallasRain's Avatar
Good post!

I get such a turn on when I go camping in the woods with my is so hot & kinky having sweaty wild sex in the woods!
pyramider's Avatar
Everything I do is nonsexual, and not intentionally.
DallasRain's Avatar
pyramider---you had me turned on by your playfully shy and charming attitude when i met you at the meet and greet!
shorty's Avatar
I'd have to say going to the lake with a very sexy lady. Usually the biniki comes off and someone is about to get some rug burns.
gimme_that's Avatar
I kinda get hot when I see a lady actually get close to finishing a meal when we go out. If she has an appetite for the most part I know she is healthy, sort of care free, and enjoying life. And no this doesn't just go for fat chicks either lol....just in general.
  • cnd82
  • 07-03-2012, 11:38 PM
i've had really good experiences after playing golf
burkalini's Avatar
When I was married my wife use to sing when she cooked. It just turned me on almost everytime. She usually had shorts on which didn't hurt either
  • afbc
  • 07-04-2012, 01:31 PM
I had an old flame who loved the smell of sweat and dirt.


I was active duty in the army and dating a young, freckled, redhead from Manitou Springs, Colorado named Deb. Absolutely wonderful woman who lived in the backwoods outside Bummfuck, Nowhere.

Early one misty, weekend morning, while staying with her, I tossed my running shoes on and did a ten miler on the dirt and gravel roads sprawling through the hills and forests near her house. Finding my way back home, the last hundred yards or so, I slowed to a walk, stretching out each step. My endorphin-laced thoughts drifted to other things -- hot showers and monster breakfasts - a manly breakfast of bacon and pancakes and more bacon.

Deb was awake, waiting on the front steps for my return, coffee cup in hand and dressed only in the tee shirt she had slept in. She smiled and rose to hug me, which I tried to shrug off. I was hot, soaked through with sweat and covered with a fine film of red dirt from the roads I had traveled that morning. I did not want to get her muddy.

As she hugged me, she inhaled deeply and groaned. Very loud and audible, to the point that I noticed, and this struck me as a bit weird.

Then she whispered into my ear, "I want you. . . Now. . ."

And she took me that morning - right there on the front steps.
burkalini's Avatar
I had an old flame who loved the smell of sweat and dirt.


I was active duty in the army and dating a young, freckled, redhead from Manitou Springs, Colorado named Deb. Absolutely wonderful woman who lived in the backwoods outside Bummfuck, Nowhere.

Early one misty, weekend morning, while staying with her, I tossed my running shoes on and did a ten miler on the dirt and gravel roads sprawling through the hills and forests near her house. Finding my way back home, the last hundred yards or so, I slowed to a walk, stretching out each step. My endorphin-laced thoughts drifted to other things -- hot showers and monster breakfasts - a manly breakfast of bacon and pancakes and more bacon.

Deb was awake, waiting on the front steps for my return, coffee cup in hand and dressed only in the tee shirt she had slept in. She smiled and rose to hug me, which I tried to shrug off. I was hot, soaked through with sweat and covered with a fine film of red dirt from the roads I had traveled that morning. I did not want to get her muddy.

As she hugged me, she inhaled deeply and groaned. Very loud and audible, to the point that I noticed, and this struck me as a bit weird.

Then she whispered into my ear, "I want you. . . Now. . ."

And she took me that morning - right there on the front steps. Originally Posted by afbc

Good story but it reminds me of how fucking different men and women are. Your thinking bacon and pancakes and she's thinking sweaty cock and balls. I don't think we will ever get each other figured out. lol
pyramider's Avatar
Well did you finally get the bacon and pancakes?
thecooldude's Avatar
I took my girlfriend to a Michael Jackson concert once. When we came back to my place, I never seen a woman so turned on as she was that night. It was one best sexual experience I ever had. Never again was I jealous of MJ. He was the fire sta rter and I was the beneficiary.
Still Looking's Avatar
PF Chang's LOL!
bojulay's Avatar
Seeing her walk through my front door. It doesn't take much for me.