How much time do you put torward the hobby?

I see some people all the time on the forum boards and i know how much time i spend looking and hobbying and just wondered ..How much time each day do you put torward the Hobby each day?
This is clients and providers both.

I think i spend about 3 hours a day and probably spend 3 or 4 days a week looking and then I hobby about 1 day every 2 weeks.
Sometime more but it depends n where i am and whos available.

How about you?
shorty's Avatar
I used to spend 4-6hrs a day just browsing around and going into Chat. Now with my time occupied with some personal stuff, its more like 2-3hrs a day, if that. This place can get addicting with posting and can cause burnout if your on here too much. I've found only being on here about 2-3hrs a day is about the right amount for me.
alex_reece's Avatar

More time is invested if I'm selecting potential providers I would like to meet and doing as much research on them as I can to ensure that we could be a good fit. Can range from 3-4 hours to a day.

But I only hobby once or twice a month. I'm sure as I gain experience to this hobby the search time would drastically decrease due to me knowing what flags to look out for and such.
As a provider, I spend 8-10 hours a day at least. I get up early in the morning and read the boards (they are sort of like my newspapers to see whats going on such as alerts and so on lol). I then answer emails, texts, calls, and IM I may have gotten during the night. I then go about the business of primping and getting ready for a date. I only see around 2 clients at the most a day but for each of my dates, I go through the same primping process so I can be as fresh for my 2nd date as I was for my first. I then update ads and update my website in between all of this time. So as a provider, I know at least for me I put a lot of time and effort in the hobby.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-04-2012, 10:25 AM
Very variable for me. It's mostly driven by how musy the rest of my life is.

It's also hard to count the time. PMing a lady about seeing her would obviously count, but do you include a 30 min phonecall with a lady just catching up since the last time you saw her?

I suspect this is one of those things where quality is much more important than quantity.