The Mango Shake!!

cyranose69's Avatar
Ok, question for the ladies.
Who gave the "Man stamp" on ball slapping 101?
I recently saw a provider, did not post her review for this reason, who went ape shit on my balls. She started pulling, twisting, and slapping my balls all over the bed. I felt like I was at Wimbledon watching my balls compete against Venus Williams power drive.
Now, don't get me wrong every man likes to have his hairy Mangos played with, but damn they are not made of play-doh and their not your dogs chew toy.
Here are some basic rules for ball play:
1: When a man's screams can be heard by dogs a mile away, you probably have gone to far.
2: Balls should stay in the sack they came in.
3: Balls are not avocados, so please don't squeeze them or sniff them.
4: Balls do not belong in the man's asshole. Your not playing basketball.
5: There is no such thing a Ballsack Jenga
6: Never use a mans ball sack as a wet nap.
7: Never use a mans ball sack as a coaster.
8: Never attempt to shave a mans ball sack while he is sleeping, awake, or alive.
9: Never pretend to milk a man's ball sack, they are not utters.
10: If you have ever seen Flinde never touch another man's balls. You could have Flindicitis.

Hope this helps.

ammonite's Avatar
LOL that's funny shit, but I know what you mean. It's hard to protest when your jewels are in a girls mouth
flinde's Avatar
cyranose69, I respectfully disagree on a few minor points. Re basic rule 3, part two, there is nothing wrong with good old healthy hetereosexual ball sniffing, in my humble opinion.

Re rule 10, gals, flindicitis is not a bad thing. It just means that once you have worked flinde's balls, you realize that no balls can compare. And you are constantly yearning for a flinde's balls return visit.
cyranose69's Avatar
Nice rebuttle
This is one hillarious thread! I hope Bordercrosser reads this thread!

Cyranose69, you'd be amazed how many actually like Ballsack Jenga! True Story!
And what makes men think slapping our clit feels good? LOL!
Cause it does?? Haha...hey pregger girlie!
Marcus78's Avatar
And what makes men think slapping our clit feels good? LOL!
What!? Porn has taught me nothing then!!! I suppose the next thing you'll tell me is that all women DON'T secretly love anal sex... LOL

I like some gentle ball licking and caressing, but damn does it ever hurt when you get a girl who's too rough.
tallgeese's Avatar
Lol, too funny. I need send these rules to the SO for some pointers. By the way, que es ball jenga? Sounds painful, not something I think I want to Google