A new wrinkle-Obama SSN is a fake

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Read the article before you comment. Private detective has put together a convincing case that the SSN of Barack Obama was issued to someone born in 1890 and lived in Connecticutt in the 1970s when Barack was just a high school student in Hawaii.

Before the rabid responses ask yourselves this, why is this? If I give you my SSN you can trace it down to the location and year in which I can prove I lived. Why can't Barry?
Good job! Makes me wonder if the GOP is in this as well since they couldn't find anything on Obama. It just makes sense that between the GOP and the Dems there is an agreement on how to keep screwing up Americans. Both parties are great at doing nothing for the average American.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You wonder a lot. What you like to ponder the next time?

How about an astute comment instead.
JB, you might want to post something of relevance instead. You don't look too smart when you post stuff that if true, the GOP would be plastering all over Fox News.
The GOP isn't the brightest bulb, so no suprise that they might be slow or reluctant to play up this story.

But the fact that they have not promoted the story doesn't speak to it's credibility or lack of credibility. It just means this story hasn't fully matured.

Kinda of like when Watergate was just a small time crime story in the metro section of the WaPo.......

Only time will tell.....but hey, Icum keep your doubting Thomas persona going........afterall your an "independent."
I would think the Daniel's story could be easily vetted. Simple to knock down.

Why hasn't anyone explained how the Obama SS number origininated in Connecticut in 1977 - when Obama was presumbably 15 years old and living in Hawaii?

Easy enough to explain away right ?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-06-2012, 03:38 PM
the ssn like the bc , birthers could care less what anyone proves .. ramped up emails are their holy grail

lets hope Romney hammers Obie with the bc and ssn issues from now until the election ...

everyne knows how thats worked out for people running for office.
How did Obama end up with a SS number issued in 1977 out of Conn. ????

Question asked; still waiting on the answer.
joe bloe's Avatar
The GOP isn't the brightest bulb, so no suprise that they might be slow or reluctant to play up this story.

But the fact that they have not promoted the story doesn't speak to it's credibility or lack of credibility. It just means this story hasn't fully matured.

Kinda of like when Watergate was just a small time crime story in the metro section of the WaPo.......

Only time will tell.....but hey, Icum keep your doubting Thomas persona going........afterall your an "independent." Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Obama is definitely hiding something big. There's just too much smoke not to be fire. His records are sealed. His literary agent told people for fifteen years that Obama, was born in Kenya, his birth certificate was apparently generated on a computer, his Social Security number was issued in a state he never lived in, and on and on. If this guy was held accountable by legitimate journalists, he would have to resign.

As far as the Social Security number story not being fully matured. It's more like it's dying of old age. If anything was going to happen to Obama for using a fake Social Security number, it would have happened by now. This story has been around for a couple of years.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-06-2012, 04:26 PM
How did Obama end up with a SS number issued in 1977 out of Conn. ????

Question asked; still waiting on the answer. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

its been answered, and by the socisl security admin itself ...

In a letter to Investigator Susan Daniels, the Social Security Adminiatration said (ADDED 6/6/2012):
Dear Ms. Daniels:

This letter is in response to your letter to Commissioner Astrue concerning President Obama's Social Security Records.

After reviewing the information you provided, we disagree with your conclusion that a person's Social Security number depends upon the address of residence. Furthermore, we do not have information related to your question regarding the numbering of Selective Service forms. Please direct questions regarding a Selective Service form (SSS form 3B) to the Selective Service System.


Frank Biro
Acting Associate Commissioner
Office of Public Inquiries

In any event, there is no evidence whatever that President Obama's Social Securiy number was obtained by fraud.
The Biro letter doesn't answer the question...

How did Obama end up with a SS number issued in 1977 from the state of Conn. ?

And Joe Blow, you might be right about the story dying. The media has zero interest in vetting Obama........but it won't die because it was knocked down by the facts, just ignored to death by the sycophants.
All I'm saying is that if one of these stories had any credibility, the GOP would jump on it and run with it. I mean, with a bombshell like this one, defeating Obama would be a walk in the park. The reason they don't do it is because they don't want egg on their face.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-06-2012, 04:35 PM
The Biro letter doesn't answer the question...

How did Obama end up with a SS number issued in 1977 from the state of Conn. ?

And Joe Blow, you might be right about the story dying. The media has zero interest in vetting Obama........but it won't die because it was knocked down by the facts, just ignored to death by the sycophants. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

a wise man once said

the ssn like the bc , birthers could care less what anyone proves .. ramped up emails are their holy grail
Fast Gunn's Avatar
This whole story is just another load of undiluted horse shit.

. . . It is truly pathetic how some people will cling to anything to cast stones, but it really only shows just how desperate you are for material that you don't care how low you stoop!

joe bloe's Avatar
The Biro letter doesn't answer the question...

How did Obama end up with a SS number issued in 1977 from the state of Conn. ?

And Joe Blow, you might be right about the story dying. The media has zero interest in vetting Obama........but it won't die because it was knocked down by the facts, just ignored to death by the sycophants. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
These Obama stories don't actually have to die, for him to be protected. They only have to be ingnored by mainstream media. If the only source for this type of story is talk radio and the internet, Obama and his people will just laugh if anyone brings them up. Unfortunately, I don't think Fox News has the balls to cover Obama's background. People accuse Fox News of being right wing nuts, but the truth is they're pretty milk toast.

People who question anything about Obama's background, are labeled as Birthers and from that point forward, they're ridiculed and ignored. Ridicule is the most powerful tool in defeating a political opponent, according to Saul Alinsky. The Birther label is used in much same that the label of McCarthyism has been used for the last 55 years. It doesn't matter that you can prove someone is a communist; your facts will be ignored because your just practicing McCarthyism.