Showing a Provider a Review I wrote on them.

I apoligize in advance for my ignorance! Is it against the rules to send a provider a copy of a review that I wrote that includes The rest of the story if they request it. This is only for the provider that I wrote the review on. Just a question I am sorry if its a stupid one. Thanks
The only stupid question is the one not asked .......... once you submit a review to eccie according to terms of service you cannot share it with a provider. Before you submit the review it is yours but once you post it you have agreed to give it to eccie in exchange for PA credit consideration. You can paraphrase the ROS section and share it with the provider but it should be substantially different from what you post. Not being allowed to share the ROS with the provider gives you a freedom to be honest rather than having to write the review to please her ........ once you start writing reviews to please a provider they become less valuable to the membership which uses them to base consumer decisions on.