The Golden State use to be the land of milk and honey; it is sad what 45 years of Progressive politics has done to the State's is only going to get worse in 2013 when the AB-32 takes effect.

When California's economy was booming in 2006—remember that?—Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and many Californians wanted to show their environmental virtue by becoming the first state to pass a comprehensive climate change law. And so they did, for which the bill is starting to come due.

Lawmakers and environmentalists predicted that the new law, called AB 32, would become a model for the rest of the nation. It never did. They also said the Golden State's head start in developing green technologies would create thousands of new jobs. In 2008 the California Air Resources Board even estimated that the new rules and cap-and-trade tax would increase state GDP. In short, AB 32 was sold to the voters who declined to overturn it in a 2010 referendum as a green free lunch.

Now fast forward to 2012. California's economy is still struggling, the jobless rate is 10.8%, and AB 32's taxes and regulations are starting to bite. Two new studies by private consulting firms add up the real-world cost to California families and businesses.

The first study—sponsored by the California Manufacturers and Technology Association, whose members employ 1.2 million residents—estimates the price tag for three major new regulations associated with the law: cap-and-trade taxes on carbon emissions, a "low carbon fuel standard," and a stringent 33% renewable mandate for electricity production. Together these policies raise energy costs and are expected to reduce state GDP by between 3.5% and 8.9% by 2020.

Even under the "optimistic" scenario, that's a loss of up to $447 billion in California output over eight years and represents a bigger loss in income than the 2008-09 recession. The cost per California family is estimated at $2,500 a year due to higher costs. Repeat after Milton Friedman: There is no such thing as a free lunch.

One alarming conclusion is that "emissions reductions due to economic harm account for 26% of total reductions, more than any ARB mandated program" except cap and trade. This means that a major way Californians will reduce their greenhouse emissions is by slower growth, chasing industry out of the state, and putting more people out of work. If Californians produce less, their carbon footprint is smaller. The Sierra Club must be loving this weak recovery.

The second study by the Boston Consulting Group for the Western States Petroleum Association examined AB 32's low carbon fuel standard. This regulation requires a 10% reduction in the carbon intensity of California transportation fuels by 2020, which can only be achieved with biofuels (but not corn ethanol because it is too carbon intensive).

This idea was devised in 2006 when the Bush Administration fantasized that cellulosic ethanol would soon become plentiful and cheap. The White House and Congress thought that by 2011 the U.S. would be producing about 240 million gallons a year. Even with lavish federal subsidies, it produced about seven million. (See "The Cellulosic Ethanol Debacle," December 14, 2011.)

So the California government is forcing oil and gas companies to sell a fuel that barely exists. The only viable short-term compliance option is for California to import sugar-cane ethanol from Brazil. One result is that gasoline prices could rise by anywhere between 50 cents and $2.70 a gallon at the pump after 2015, says BCG. Californians could pay $6 a gallon. Maybe this is how Sacramento politicians think they can get left coasters to ride their high-speed train.

Environmentalists dismiss these studies as biased, but they echo the government's own recent studies. The only real argument is over the extent of the economic damage. Californians may believe this price is worth it, but they shouldn't pretend they aren't paying it.

The Golden State use to be the land of milk and honey; it is sad what 45 years of Progressive politics has done to the State's is only going to get worse in 2013 when the AB-32 takes effect. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
"45 years of Progressive of politics!" That takes us all the way back to 1967 when Ronald Reagan was first elected Governor of "The Golden State."

Whirly, you and I can finally agree. California has not been the same since that damn Ronald Reagan became their Governor!
Whirly, trust then verify!

Failing to do so, you might end up with egg on your face!
You look the fool to calling Reagan a Progressive.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
At least Governor Brown is reacting responsibly. He's responding to California's dismal economic picture . . . by funding a high speed rail between Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Brilliant planning, Gov.
"45 years of Progressive of politics!" That takes us all the way back to 1967 when Ronald Reagan was first elected Governor of "The Golden State."

Whirly, you and I can finally agree. California has not been the same since that damn Ronald Reagan became their Governor! Originally Posted by bigtex
Now you go back 45 years and blame Reagan. Really? oh fuck...
Note how dumbasses like BigTits don't even try to defend the wreck they have created in California. It use to be the envy of capitalism, great schools, plenty of jobs, innovator, and a state that embraced entreprenuers.. Now all the Democrats can do is tax everyone to the point that only the mega wealthy and paupers can live there. In the meantime, Texas (and Texans) prosper from the failed Democratic policies of California.
Note how dumbasses like BigTits don't even try to defend the wreck they have created in California. It use to be the envy of capitalism, great schools, plenty of jobs, innovator, and a state that embraced entreprenuers.. Now all the Democrats can do is tax everyone to the point that only the mega wealthy and paupers can live there. In the meantime, Texas (and Texans) prosper from the failed Democratic policies of California. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Texas will benefit from Californias stupid shit, so will he. He hates Texas like he hates himself. Houstonians love Californians' Dumbasses...fuckers
Now you go back 45 years and blame Reagan. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Iffy, I wasn't the one who picked out the 45 year time period. Had you actually read Whirly's post you would have noticed it referenced that exact time period in the opening line of his cut and paste.

OK, let's take it from the top! The opening line in Whirly's C&P read as follows:

"The Golden State use to be the land of milk and honey; it is sad what 45 years of Progressive politics has done to the State's future."

Let me spell it out for you, the article clearly made reference to 45 years ago. Right or wrong? For those of you too lazy to do the math, 45 years ago was 1967. When did Reagan take over as Governor of California. You guessed it! It was that very same year, 1967!

Houston, we've got a problem! ROTFLMAO

I just thought it was comical that Whirly's cut and pasted article clearly linked the entire 8 year period of the Reagan governorship as being the beginning of "Progressive politics" in California and what those policies "has done to the State's future."

Once again, those are the exact words taken from Whirly's article! Had he bothered to read it before cut and pasting it into his post.......

Well, those of you who know how to read will get the picture! It remains to be seen whether Whirly falls in that category! We already know reading comprehension are not strengths of StupidOldFart and Joe the Bloehard! Perhaps Whirly will make it a threesome! How cozy!

Those of you who have difficulty comprehending the printed word will have to be pissed off at me for linking your cult hero to Progressive California politics. Go ahead and give it your best shot, I can take it!

Don't shoot the messenger, I just did the ciphering for those of you who are too lazy to do the math for yourselves!
I wasn't the one who picked out the 45 year time period. Whirly did in his cut and paste. The opening line in his C&P read as follows:

"The Golden State use to be the land of milk and honey; it is sad what 45 years of Progressive politics has done to the State's future."

I just thought it was comical that Whirly's cut and pasted article clearly linked the entire 8 year period of the Reagan governorship as being the "beginning of Progressive politics" in California and what those policies "has done to the State's future."

Once again, those are the exact words taken from Whirly's article! Had he bothered to read it before cut and pasting it into his post........

.............Well, those of you who know how to read will get the picture! Those of you who have difficulty comprehending the printed word will be pissed off at me for linking your cult hero to Progressive California politics. Originally Posted by bigtex
Blablabla. Texas will benefit from current Californian Penislosi BS. Reagan would slap your dumbass down punk...
Blablabla. Texas will benefit from current Californian Penislosi BS. Reagan would slap your dumbass down punk... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Apparently Iffy falls in SOF and Joe the Bloehard's category of limited reading comprehension skills!

Truth hurts, doesn't it?
BigLouie's Avatar
California's biggest problem is that don't want to tax their property. Look at their rates compared to Texas. Huge difference. You can't have services for a population that large and not get maximum value out of their tax base.
The Progressive left wants to squeeze the middle class Californians even more!!

California's biggest problem is that don't want to tax their property. Look at their rates compared to Texas. Huge difference. You can't have services for a population that large and not get maximum value out of their tax base. Originally Posted by BigLouie
The Progressive left wants to squeeze the middle class Californians even more!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirly, what about the Progressive Right in California that according to your article was ushered in by the Father of the Progressive Movement in California, Ronald Reagan himself?
California's biggest problem is that don't want to tax their property. Look at their rates compared to Texas. Huge difference. You can't have services for a population that large and not get maximum value out of their tax base. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Louie, you're an idiot.

California has property tax and income tax.

Texas does not have income tax.

Also note that California sales tax is noticeably higher than Texas sales tax.

You really should review the reasons why the California voters passed Prop 13 that limited property tax increases.