Good, Bad and The Ugly

Big_Sarge's Avatar
OK, so we all know that there is a certain "chemistry" that comes with each appointment. Not all meetings are fantastic. Some times, it just doesn't work, for whatever reason. Now, maybe the lady isn't feeling it. Sometimes maybe it's the guys fault (the dreaded sweaty balls syndrome) whatever...

Maybe the appointment wasn't all that it was meant to be. Now if this is the case, do you, the lady get upset if the person writes a less than stellar review. Maybe you didn't dress up like you do in your pictures from your showcase. Maybe you were ill and didn't want to cancel the appointment because you need the money. Maybe you thought you could just get through the appointment.

On the gents behalf maybe you thought that pictures of the lady were a little outdated. Maybe you saw something in the girl that you just couldn't get past. Maybe she was too talkative.

Either way, we're all adults here. Yes, for the ladies it's all about making money and giving the gentleman a wonderful experience, hopefully setting yourself up for a repeat performance. Now, having said all that. If the experience isn't one for the history books, or is just such a bust (sorry, maybe that isn't the best word here) that he wants to still write a review. Do you the lady, think that it's absurd for a gentleman to write an honest review of what happened. I'm just curious as to what everyone thinks, especially the ladies.

Big_Sarge, OUT!
I try not to dwell was there an outdated hooker chatting up a storm? Be peace
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Honest and less than stellar are two different things.

If you felt the two of you didn't "click," you could add that to your review.

The reviews mention things like photo accuracy, timely response to inquiry, consistency in services, fresh, etc

I did mainly outcall in my early thirties. It seems gentlemen don't seem to mind perfumes and lip color during outcalls as much as they do during incalls.

Without reminders from a gentleman to go solo (without a scent or lip color) I'll typically have it applied upon arrival.

However, due to good feedback, I sometimes remember to apply my favorite scent early and NOT directly before a meet.

I suppose if I were your "Plan B" provider, (<- I'm not a Plan B Fan, BTW) and you mentioned in a previous review that my services were as stated, but that I wasn't exactly your cup of tea..... No lipstick kisses for you to look down at!

But again, I think it's really boils down to what your experience was.

I mean, if you refer to the pictures, then how outdated were they? 10 years? or 6 months?
if it was too talkative, was it "she talked instead of worked" talk, or "chatted to much in between cups of coffee" talk?
Was she missing toes and you requested a foot fetish session?
Did she work up a sweat during the session and have a scent during DATY
Was there an odor that nobody should go near?
Do you not like the way she smiles?

A lady can receive an honest stellar review, even if the chemistry wasn't there.

Additionally, a lady might accept an offer as a return client even if the chemistry wasn't there.

Was the hobbyist willing to read through my website? Was he willing to comply with screening? Was he nice in his approach? Was he respectful of my incall? Was he freshly showered or freshened upon arrival? Was he on time? Was he problematic in any way? etc

A second meet might be what the doctor ordered. It's difficult to know someone in one visit. If you have a regular/all time favorite that you visit, hasn't that relationship changed in some degrees over time?

Stating "not my cup of tea" is just that. It's not bashing the gal, after all. Stating it like she is a syndrome waiting to be named might not be the route to go.

I personally read the reviews. It gives me a grasp of the type of person you may be. I can appreciate a blend of honesty with couth.
When it comes to reviews, it all boils down to intent and tact.

Clearly, the purpose of the reviews is to pass along accurate info to other the hobbyists and provide feedback to the provider (though they can't read the ROS.... haha yeah right!) The reviewer should always try to remember there's a fine line between what information is truthful, real, and constructive vs. cruel, over-the-top fantasy, and destructive.

While a woman may not be our cup of tea, we should be careful not to purposely destroy someone's livelihood while trying to be fair and accurate.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if the women wrote reviews of us.
Very well said. I couldn't agree more! Putting things in context is important to remember when writing reviews
stuckinsyracuse's Avatar
I think Elizabeths post is right on but it goes so much further than that with reviews. EVERYTHING is between the lines. She's pretty/attractive/beautiful? What does that mean? Eye of the beholder.

One review is never weighted highly for me because it's one experience. I think mwebber is right that if you address these things tactfully we should all survive. Even of it was a less than stellar (In your opinion) if there were things like TCB or things you think others may like try to add some positive to an otherwise negative review especially if it was more a chemistry issue.

Ladies will always be defensive of reviews because it's human nature to not appreciate criticism but it's an occupational hazard of this board. We need the good, bad and ugly and as long as we aren't malicious it should be Okay. When I see nothing but 100% positive reviews I get nervous to not potentially have a great experience because we may not have shared a small concern for fear of White Knights or provider blacklisting.

Any negative aspect to a review is subject to backlash but IMO it's crucial to the board remaining viable information center. If reviews become all fluff and 100% sunshine and rainbows it's Again nothing should be malicious even if you didn't have a spectacular time. Try to remove your emotions and cover it all. Easier said than done, especially with fear of backlash.
heheh i never look in the review section to see if a client had a bad time with me..i just go right to the alerts...hehehehhe...

at any rate....if someone is goin to write up a bad review of me..because we didnt jive during the appointment..then it is what it is...what am i gonna do..tossem in the dumpster out back? just meant we didnt click..and if you didnt have a good time with her i often wonder what she was thinking about you when you were dissecting the visit...

most of us do our make sure your comfy and having a good time.. which means we prepare for you hours before you get to us... and if it didnt work didnt work out..

I completely agree with sweets in this thread...
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
heheh i never look in the review section to see if a client had a bad time with me..i just go right to the alerts...hehehehhe...
... Originally Posted by anita germane
Loki Pk's Avatar
I think reviews should be written with as much honesty as possible, I REALLY like the review format here as it allows the basics to be seen by all...Accurate pics?...On Time? Services available? How much for how long? upsell?
These are important points...and in many regards are all a possible client should base his decision upon (NOT ALL...but kinda) .
The Narrative is more like the 'penthouse forum' version of the encounter. It needs to be taken with a grain of salt by all who read it...not as a "BUT, this is what really happened..."

As has been stated, personality and chemistry have SO MUCH to do with the outgoing or final feeling when leaving the appointment. Not so long ago, I made an appointment with a provider on the recommendation of another member...and I was SO TOTALLY stoked to see this girl....he told me how beautiful she was ..and what a GREAT time he had with her...yada yada yada...I got to the room and was horrified! Such a let down...NOT the girl in the pics...not even CLOSE. Total bait and switch...Couldn't begin to describe how disappointed I was. I apologized about the 'misunderstanding'...left... and went to 'plan B'. I was so pissed on a certain level, but didn't take it out on the girl...or the man who recommended her....I just stated that she wasn't to my 'tastes' and thank you very much anyway.

Beauty really is in the eye of the to that end, reviews need to be tempered with that in mind. As for service...much like retail shopping...if what you like isn't on the menu and you order anyway, you shouldn't bitch or complain in a negative manner. You need to take responsibility for your own mistakes and not rip them up in a review.

However, if a deal has been made and the 'menu' agreed upon....and then the 'list of don'ts or No's" come out AFTER the money is exchanged...or you find yourself stuck in 'upsell city"...THEN, that belongs in the review for exactly what it is.

Even if the chemistry is wrong and the parties proceed to commence with the efforts must be made on both sides for a positve outcome. I recently had an encounter with a provider who was actually looking at her phone WHILE my cock was in her mouth...she was actually LEANING on her hand (chin in palm) while 'sort of' blowing me. That sort of total dis-interest is not an acceptable performance in our hobby. That was really a first for when I wrote my review...I included those facts. Not to be mean...just honest.

Now I have had more than my share of girls with little experience...who actually performed 'worse' than this girl...but got positive reviews from me because of the "A" for effort and the empathy and understanding I have for newbs trying to make a living in this world. As 'johns' we shouldn't always be so full of ourselves when we see a lady for a session and expect them to hit it out of the park. Think about the day they have had before or including us....some guys probably smell sweaty right out of the shower...some have hair like "JOJO the monkey boy"...or pubes like a tropical rainforest!!! Yet they have to prepare and present the best they can time after time. And for the most part, I have been happy with 390 out of 400 girls. Can the girls say that about us? I always shower first (ALWAYS)...and keep my junk clean and trimmed...and spend extra effort to make sure she is comfortable, and feels safe. (I'm a big guy 6'4 300# and am often mistaken for a Police officer). Imagine what the girls must think every time they open the door to a new customer? Just saying, a little empathy goes a long way in writing a useful review. Although, I have very little for the 'cash and dash' or 'prohibited topic' scammers.
I just think reviews should be written with ALL things considered about the appointment...with 'speculation' kept to a minimum...and with honesty, not vindictive malice because something didn't go your way.

stuckinsyracuse's Avatar
Well said PK
Lexxxy's Avatar
I think that if someone were to get a bad review due to someone else's ignorance it would be unfair.
Say BillyJoel69 replies to an ad posted by LittleBunnyFooFoo to set up an appointment and LBFF replies to BJ saying something like "Oh,I am happy to hear you are into hispanic blue haired hippies with braces I am the girl for you! Let's meet up big boy!" because she clearly stated all of the above in her ad and wanted to double check that he was okay with her braces and blue hair and all. So they meet and have a decent time everything was to completion and menus didn't magically change. Then the next day BJ writes a review in a negative light about how LBFF has a messed up grill with braces on it and how she is really dark skinned, with crazy blue hair, and she was dressed like a hippie. I feel that mister BJ is in the wrong for that. He knew what he was walking into when he read the ad, confirmed he was cool with all of the above, and he chose to stay instead of give her a cancelation fee (because she spent hours getting ready for him and blocked off part of her schedule for him) and walk out the door on good terms. If you walk into a situation that you are aware of and chose to stay you shouldn't give a bad review for what you knew you were getting yourself into.
If I completed a successful date(safe, clean, agreed upon time, preformed activities, pop(s) completed,I was nice, I was talkative, I cuddled,I was a good hostess, and so on) with someone that read my BBW ad and agreed in PM that they are okay with me being an ample big girl and they turned around and wrote me a review talking about how fat I am and that I was only decent because I am fat I would be livid. No shit, or course I'm fat, I am a BBW and clearly advertise as such.
Part of my screening is reading what someone says on the board, how they word good as well as bad reviews, and what is said about them by other providers. This is just as much a hobby for me as it is for the Gents, if I don't want to see someone I wont bother. Why spend my time with a jerk that trash talks women in reviews to make him feel better about himself? I will just go swimming or shopping instead, my bills will still get paid and my day will go on stress free.
Perfect Gentleman's Avatar
Reviews are all subjective.They are all clouded by personal preferences.
As for me I like the slim spinner type provider.I don't find bbw attractive .I don't want to be doing doggie and have to pause to watch the ripples after every thrust like a stone hitting the water. Personal preference, some guys love this.
Having said that, there are a few near bbw providers that i enjoy.Their personality and service overcome my bias.
But once again this is subjective. My idea of near bbw might be someone elses idea of just a little above average.
Bottom line..Service, attitude and chemistry are just as important as body style.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Lmfao I wish my ass rippled I dont even have an ass it it firm and heart shaped you could bounce a quarter off of it. I wish I had an ass to match my huge tits so I could just set a glass of wine right on it,sadly what I lack there I made up for in the tit department.
BTW above average is thick or chubby, not even close to BBW. Due to a recent thread of mine I was contacted by a few bbw/ssbbw super fans and told the golden rule that I didn't know about. For an average 5'5-5'8 BBW doesn't start until 220 pounds and SSBBW doesn't start until 330 pounds. It is also broken down that you don't qualify as a bbw or a ssbbw if you dont have nice firm calves or big tits, if you have canckles or tits that are c or smaller you are just some big woman. Apparently you have to be attractive, well maintained (hair, makeup, clothes, shoes...), active, and have a beautiful face or you dont qualify for the extra B either.
I like posting and learning new things.
Perfect Gentleman's Avatar
LEXXXY..No matter what the body shape, you've got what many lack...A sense of humor.

Lexxxy's Avatar
LEXXXY..No matter what the body shape, you've got what many lack...A sense of humor.

KEEP POSTING Originally Posted by Perfect Gentleman
Awww thank you, you made my day sugar cookie