FastGoon Caught On Tape!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar

Listen to this guy. Toward the end he actually says he'd support the government killing him, because he knows that if he did, they'd have a good reason for it.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Have you thought about getting a job, old geezer?

Some honest work would be therapeutic for you.

Idle hands are the devil's workshop, you know.

. . . Of course, I don't think you will ever be really normal, but you might come close enough to pass for a human being if the scrutiny is not too close!

This is why I call them Ozombies...fuckem
cptjohnstone's Avatar
here is why
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
FastGoon, seriously, with the possible exception of accepting one's own assassination believing if the government does that, they must have a good reason, what did the guy on the tape say that is anything different than what you say in nearly every post?

And please note that I would strenuously oppose any attempt by any President of either party to assassinate you. Even if you approved, I would still oppose it.

Oh, and I much more resemble a human being now, since I retired from the practice of law.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, one less lawyer is always an improvement, however small.

. . . Still, you know what they say about 500 lawyers at the bottom of the sea!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have always found it amazing the blind faith that people have in the government as long as it is the result of something their party has done.