MSNBC Goes Nuts Again

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Only on MSNBC. Michael Bloomberg, you know, the guy that wants to control what you eat, drink, etc. is a "man of the people" even though he is much richer than Romney. And Romney? Compared to the "man of the people", Romney can't be trusted.

Seriously? The guy who by law says I can't super size my value meal is less of a threat than Romney?


Your funeral director is happy you are super sizing your meals and drinks.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What your saying is that Bloomberg's laws are killing jobs? Fewer people will die if we let the government control what we do?
No super sizing meals or drinks makes your ass fatter.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So what business is that of yours or anybody else.

Hey let's control alcoholism by only selling two packs.

Hey lets ban cell phones in cars, No need to ban texting, lets just ban cell phones.

Hey lets ban piercings since I don't like the way a person looks with piercings.

Hey lets ban cars and trucks since they kill so many people.

Hey lets ban stupid people since they don't know how to control themselves.

Hey lets ban pointed things.

Hey lets ban chewing gum, it is disgusting.

Hey lets limit the amount of time the internet is available so people will get out and exercise. Hey limit TV to one hour a day.

Hey lets control what food is available at the grocery stores.

What do you think there MIKE, how about we limit the number of posts you can make in a month.
Romney has a car elevator like shit
Let's ban banning!

Doesn't Bloomberg have his own network to blather on? Or did his blather only reach MSNBC proportions?

BTW, "my" funeral director is morbidly obese. Seriously. The one that lives in my neighborhood could lose 100 lbs too.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets control the hobby be limiting the number of sexual partners.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
All of it is about control.
The more we allow it, the more control there will be.
One day, they will want to control something that is near and dear to you. Then what will you do.
Hey, let's ban deficit spending !
Hey, let's ban deficit spending ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If Dubya would have taken that approach, how would he have paid for the mistake he made in Iraq?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
If Dubya would have taken that approach, how would he have paid for the mistake he made in Iraq? Originally Posted by bigtex
did you hear that mustard gas in Syeria says "Made in Iraq"
I can't believe that people eat that processed shit knowing what goes into
Those tasty drive through treats.

Maybe they should offer an all you can eat 12 gauge at the window with the purchase of every value meal.
Save us some healthcare dollars by taking one for the team.
Personal liberty to pollute oneself .... A god given right.
My responsibility to pity you............. Non existant.
All of it is about control.
The more we allow it, the more control there will be.
One day, they will want to control something that is near and dear to you. Then what will you do. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Nobody likes government control,but a lot is brought on by people themselves.No one wanted to buckle up even though it saves lives.Our country has a obese population who raises healthcare costs.Kids have diabetes from soft drinks.Lack of willpower on our part causes gov regs.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So we MUST have the government step in to protect us from ourselves. Government knows best. Yes, it's our fault. If we were more responsible, government wouldn't have to punish us for our own good.

What bullshit. It's none of government's business.