Obama Declares That Texas Will Be A Battleground State - Soon!
The extent that Texas is in play will hinge on the Hispanic vote. The same demographic trends at play in California are happening in Texas...the difference is that the Texas economy will offer future generations of Hispanics more upward mobility than that of California (dead-enders tend to vote Democratic IMO, while entrepernurial types vote other). Hispanic politics tend to move more to the center with each generation, so here's hoping the prediction is wrong. The Texas hispanic population is most likely starting at a point on the political specturum which is more right of their counterparts in Democratic controled states like California. Also, Hispanic politicians will learn that if they want to win local seats (school boards, county government, etc), they have to sound more like Pete Sessions than Nancy Pelosi. Her batshit marxism doesn't go over too well in the Lone Star State.
Add to this observation Texas is a right to work state means union influence is not as strong as other swing states - Colorado, Wisconsin, Missouri, Ohio, New Mexico.
That said, it is imperative that a President Romney get comprehensive immigration legislation approved (without amnesty); otherwise this will be a lingering wedge issue working to the Democrats advantage is Texas.
time to split the country right down the middle
Obitchlips is full of shit.
Actually, the President gave a very stirring speech this evening here in Austin.
I'm sure a lot of you were at home strangling your pink teddy bears, but he made some interesting points, not the least of which being that America should be about insourcing, not outsourcing.
Post all the horseshit you want, but the fact is that Romney is one of the greatest job creators in the history of India and China. And Americans deserve better.
But no, he won't carry Texas. Maybe in two years after right thinking Texans turn out the current bunch of scalawags and douchebags. But not now and not for a while.
At least we got to see Perry make an ass of himself again, demanding an apology from the President for the Eric Holder bullshit. I love Texas, but hate the stereotype that this fucking rube continues to promote.
I'll believe it when WTF offers a $10K bet that Obama wins Texas.
Actually, the President gave a very stirring speech this evening here in Austin.
I'm sure a lot of you were at home strangling your pink teddy bears, but he made some interesting points, not the least of which being that America should be about insourcing, not outsourcing.
Post all the horseshit you want, but the fact is that Romney is one of the greatest job creators in the history of India and China. And Americans deserve better.
But no, he won't carry Texas. Maybe in two years after right thinking Texans turn out the current bunch of scalawags and douchebags. But not now and not for a while.
At least we got to see Perry make an ass of himself again, demanding an apology from the President for the Eric Holder bullshit. I love Texas, but hate the stereotype that this fucking rube continues to promote.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So your ass got wet when Opookie spoke. Keep Austin wierd brother. You are doing a great job so far...
Texas votes Republican even if the candidate is Rick Perry. Oh wait, they did vote for Rick. Darn it! Just when you thought you had seen it all.
Please see my post on outsourcing in another thread.
Actually, the President gave a very shit-pot stirring speech this evening here in Austin.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Fixed that for you.
The President gives great speeches, when his teleprompter is working. The problem is, he lies. He's a very good liar, but he lies. Even when they sound pretty, they are still lies.
But yeah, he gives a great speech. Even had me fooled in 2008. But when push came to shove, it turned out he had been lying the whole time. Very disappointing, he talked a great game. I voted Libertarian, but was still excited when he was elected, because I believed him when he spoke of transparent government, ending the divide, no lobbyists in his White House, etc. I thought, even though he was a liberal, that he was actually different, and would be honest, and open.
To quote Roger Daltrey, "Won't get fooled again." He lied. The whole damn thing was lies from the get go.
But damn, he sounds good.
Um, I'm going to go on record saying, "Good luck with that." Maybe he might have thought about that before:
- Shutting down deep sea drilling for a year, and his brilliant response to Macando.
- Ignoring us for a shuttle
- Bypassing Congress and halting deportations of "Dreamers"
It's fair to say Texas is in the Red bag.
A stiring speech in Austin that's pro-Democrat. I"m shocked. Take that speech to Harris, Tarrant or Dallas counties or rural Texas and I'll bet it's a wee bit different reception.
- Seedy
- 07-18-2012, 12:35 PM
What a delusional maniac, oscuminable is. Now I'm convinced he still smokes that shit he did in college....