Sex and Political Threads

What do you think, ladies and gentlemen? Has a poster's political leanings, displayed in a thread herein anywhere, affected your desire to see him or her professionally?

Certainly I think we all agree that person's attitude and resulting demeanor on these threads DOES affect desirability but I'm speaking more to the ideologies behind the posts? Do a posters political thoughts affect your libido?
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 07-18-2012, 12:48 PM
A young lady with strong political leanings who argues the point passionately? I find that *extremely* arousing.

As always - YOUR MILEAGE MAY (will) VARY!

As for actual viewpoints disqualifying? I doubt I could be intimate with someone who was an outright unrepentant racist/fascist, but other than that, eh. Everything is worthy of discussion. I have had mistresses on both the right and left ends of the spectrum.
I Would Imagine That Everything Works -

For instance, I would imagine there are extremely lucrative assignments available between fascists and their avowed prey - White against Black, for example, or Nazis against Jews. Etc.

People get excited by polarity, and I imagine the above examples are just the tip of the iceberg for some. Then there are sadists against masochists for example.

None of the above are my taste, but I can see how there would be real interest in these realms.
If the political attitude (or the implicit factor of politics within any kind of post) is not dogmatic or not in any kind of Stigmatizing aspect (and discriminatory effects) then , yes of course,. As long as the basics is an intellectual point of openness for discussion, yes. I would not see racists or such things, primarily for the point they are not open for discussion and their flawed visions are lacking any connection to reality per see, other than being disgusted by it, I`d probably get too bored intellectually to ever considering wasting my time with people like that ......... But I assume I am far to left edged for them anyway, then take the slight eastern-european touch of Marxism philosophy I tend to be biased on (talk Slavoij Zizek), I`d be probably not noteworthy anyhow - I`d probably get in a fight in no time. I love fights, generally, when they are for a good and reasonable cause, but some are just lost agendas and best left for cynical blog entries as commedy and parody )

Interesting post, Chloe, I do see sometimes advertisements in political slogans catering to exactly these stereotypes. I am not sure , if I do find any of it exciting per se, because sometimes I see the aspect of guaranteeing the stereotypes and hatred within that. For example, someone might hire someone of the "undesired" political party, just to proof to them how unworthy they are by mistreating them in a way they would never treat "the desired" are of thought. As - release of agression - method.

For example men, who tend to be submissive in real life, might search for submissive partners in this realm to get the balance within the system right. They might feel inferior in comparison to thge people they truly desire and henceforth this might trigger as method to feel superior to the "hated" people or agendas.

As in all - Cave Canem.
John Bull's Avatar
Interesting twist but remember ladies and gentlemen that D&T is not the place to discuss politics.
... As long as the basics is an intellectual point of openness for discussion, yes. ... Originally Posted by ninasastri
So, no, the particular leaning doesn't necessarily affect your libido? It's the open-mindedness that stimulates you?

I may feel that same way to a degree. I can't say that one's political predilection one way or the other makes a difference. Their attitude about their opinions and whether they have the intellectual fiber to defend--civilly--those opinions does make a difference for me.

So, now that I wrote that, maybe I think "no" is the best answer to my own query.
Bigh1955's Avatar
An opposing political viewpoint has never caused me to seek out a particular provider. Then again, neither has a similar viewpoint. That said, I do enjoy booking with a certain provider when the appointment that follows mine is with her Governor. I'm fairly confident the pillow talk that ensues is appropriate to D&T.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2012, 12:18 PM
wouldnt bother me in the least
So, no, the particular leaning doesn't necessarily affect your libido? It's the open-mindedness that stimulates you?
Originally Posted by JDNorthface
Yes, true. I think anything can be discussed , as long as it is not dogmatic, and I have various friends with various political flavours in their opinions. I have no problem with discussion, as I like to learn that way. I tend to have problems with bigots and dogmatics, and people who can`t stomach the fact that their views are also limited and sometimes not well thought thru. This agenda was particularly interesting for me , when I had the pro and contra OWS stuff going on , or to be less political, when it`s about polyamory versus monogamy. I tend to live by the "Live and let live attitude" as long as a certain ethical code of conduct (it excludes racism, extreme right wing politics, fascism, superiority complexes...) is respected.

And what I hate most is the "Oh let`s agree to disagree" - super politeness that IMHO is just said when someone does not have any proper arguments to propose anymore.
I would NEVER say "Let`s agree to disagree" when someting touches a racist core or something like that. I take it til the last bit of it ).. (lol). Because in times like these, people have become lazy when it comes to defend their POV, and to say nothing or ignore certain attitudes is the same as supporting them.

Other than that I enjoy stimulating discussions on various topics and I like to discuss things with people, who - same like I am capable of - can a) defend their POV and b) admit , when they are wrong or made a mistake.
Or c) when discussions lead to widen horizons. On both ends.
and d) when people use their own brain for thinking and don`t parrot stupidly what others say or what "generally is said" in such situations.

On that note, I rather prefer to have heated discussions with someone of a contrary POV, as I tend to learn most from it, much rather than be around people, who imitate me, or think , licking my precious behind and parrotting my POV is what goes with me. I like unique thinkers, as far as this is possible anyhow.

boxcardummie's Avatar
I would be a sucker for a extremely well educated right wing provider. Id make her talk all sorts or dirty talk to me. Like the negative social security tax and maybe some foreign policy in asia mmmm. Maybe a little quote here and there from Friedman or Bastiat awhhh yeah. Really gets my gears grindin mmm